Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Analysing The Emerging Democracy Of South Africa Politics Essay
Analysing The Emerging Democracy Of South Africa Politics Essay South Africa is a young democracy that has begun making serious attempts to bring the nation together and create national equality among the people. First to understand what a democracy is it needs to be defined. William Hay Anthony defines democracy as liberal representative government under law, sustained by a political culture that accepts open disagreement and demands accountability (Anthony, pg 135). This definition highlights the role of institutions in making a political order work (Anthony, pg 135). Applying this definition to the South African case is important to analyzing its development within being a democratic nation. Civil and political rights are important to a democratic nation because it must maintain rights to all of its citizens equally. South Africa has made huge steps in ensuring equal rights to all of its citizens, though it is quite clear that a lot more could be done. In terms of economic rights and social rights, South Africa has made attempts in making thes e rights equal for everyone. The democratic role of South African political parties has been a constant one. The African National Congress has been the party in power of the state since its first democratic election in 1994 and it seems like it is getting more and more support as time goes by. Their policies which have been put forth have the same goal of having equality within the state. In the past 16 years, South Africa has made numerous attempts to make its nation more democratic but it is clear that the work that the nation must do to have a complete democracy, is nowhere near finished. Rights have not always been equal to all people of South Africa throughout history, even in the past 20 years. From 1948- 1994, South Africa was under an apartheid, that is, a segregation of blacks and whites in all aspects of society. Under this rule, all races that were identified by the South African Government were divided. At the time, the government recognized four different racial categories: African, coloured, Indian and white (Lichbach 2009, 466). There were many laws that were put in place to keep the people of the country segregated at all times; the only exclusion to that was if a black African was working for a white one. Some apartheid laws were the Group Areas Act, Land Acts, Population Registration Act and Reservation of separate Amenities Act (Lester 1996, 227). During the apartheid, because coloured people could not vote or own property, they were living in extremely poor conditions and kept in certain black only areas. Even when coloured people could own land, th e qualifications amount was raised too high for many coloured people to even consider attempting to purchase land. (Maphai 1994, 3). Without the ownership of property, one could not vote. When the first democratic election was held in April of 1994, it marked a new beginning in South Africa; some called it the New South Africa. Mandela was named as president and many apartheid laws were abolished. People were becoming more equal within this country which meant people of all the coloured races were lawfully allowed to integrate with their white counter parts in education, work, property ownership and other rights that were not given to them before. With a new government set in place, citizens were excited to see how their country would change for the better given its new democratic policies that would soon begin to be in effect. What some people dont fully understand is that many things like becoming a new democracy take time, especially when dealing with a country with a past like t hat of South Africa. With that being said, even though these wonderful laws were being put into government, they were not exactly being implemented very well. One of the biggest reasons why so many of the countrys people have to live this way is because of the huge inequalities within the country; Inequality is still higher than anywhere else in the world (Pons-Vignon 2008, 3). Inequality is something that cannot be changed overnight with the passing of different laws; it is something will be an ongoing struggle for the country. Something that is special with the democratic characteristics of South Africa is the fact that the minority of the country has most of the power; white people are the clear minority of the population but they clearly have the most power. In 1980, it was shown that whites, who were one sixth of the population, earned two thirds of total income in the country (Maphai 1994, 137). Because white people have such great power as a whole, it is more difficult for other citizens of the country to rise economically. Since 1994, the only place that whites do not have the most power is in government. The Party that has been in power since the liberalization movement has been the black- led African National Congress or ANC. When it comes to voting, which many black people do have a right to now, whites just cannot even compare with the numbers that the Blacks have; in 2001, 79 percent of the population classified themselves as African, 10 percent as white, 9 percent as Coloured and 2 percent as Asian (Lichbach 2009, 472). The fact that government is led by a black supported party is not unfortunate for most white people. In the early 1990s, the ANC adopted many policies and went through many negotiations with the National party (NP) to get more support from the white community. With the attempt that the ANC made toward getting support from white people in the country, white people began to see the ANC more like a rival as rather than an enemy. (M aphai 1994, 75) As well, the leaders of the ANC have done a good job in convincing all people, including whites, that their policies will only help to better the country. Unions are also helpful with making a nation more democratic. The ability to have specific rights because of employment is a huge factor in having equal rights for people. It was 1979 when African Trade Unions were finally recognized and the Congress of South African Trade Unions was then formed in 1985. (Lichbach 2009, 477) Recognizing unions that were made up of Black workers was essential in implying that they, as workers within the state, deserve no less than that of white workers. Unions allow a group of workers to negotiate with their employers about better wages and working conditions. In the aspect of civil and political rights, South Africa is making a clear progression towards truly having equality within those rights. Democratically, South Africa is making a big progression towards effectively having equ al political and civil rights for all of its citizens. Through the coming years there should be more polices out being put into effect and hopefully a better understanding of equality among races. It is only then that the rights that are actually listed within the South African law will have been respected and truly put into practice. Before democracy was even a possibility in South Africa, the main problem was an attempt by white settlers to make a country whose population is 75 percent African a `white man`s country (Maphai 1994, 1). Three million white people had achieved unchallenged superiority over sixteen million Africans by 1965. (Maphai 1994, 1) The technological advancement of white people is one of the big factors of what made them overpower that large number of blacks. (Lichbach 2009, 463) Economically and socially, many South Africans do not have adequate rights that should be equated to them within their democratic nation. In 1994 the life expectancy was at 65 years and then within the next decade it dropped to 52 years. This is because of a degenerative health care system and the battle with HIV- AIDS that the country has to deal with. (Bond December 2009, 581) As of 2007, South Africa had the most deaths of HIV-AIDS than any other country in the world. (Central Intelligence Agency 2010) The infant mortality rate is decreasing but is still relatively high because of the amount of babies dying because of HIV- AIDS. The Literacy rate is on the rise because more people now have access to adequate schools. In 1980, when the literacy rate for whites was 99.3% it was at 67% for Black Africans. (Maphai 1994, 138) Historically, when all coloured Africans were separated from whites, there was always an enormous gap between the well being of whites and that of coloured people. Today, the gap has closed but it is still not equal. As years go by, there are more and more opportunities for black Africans in regard to employment. Years ago, blacks did all of the labour and whites reaped all the economic benefit from that labour. Since new laws have been put in place, blacks now have the option to work in any field that is desired by them. Although, within certain industries, policies biased against employment have restricted income earning opportunities for blacks (Maphai 1994, 143). Skille d jobs with high wages were granted to whites while black workers were paid poorly. (Lichbach 2009, 465) Some say that affirmative action may be needed to keep at least a significant portion of black people in certain jobs but this is not always a sufficient (way) to redress the socio-economic imbalances in South Africa (Waghid 2003, 168). Affirmative action policies may turn qualified applicants to the job solely because of the fact that they are white and cannot be hired because the business needs to hire more black people. There needs to be other policies out into effect that actually provide adequate education to more blacks. A company should not feel obligated to hire someone just to fill a quota; a person should be hired based on the skills he or she has. Poverty is affected by those that are unemployed and those that earn wages. In 1991, the ANC said that the best way to address poverty was through economic growth. (Lichbach 2009, 478) Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is represen ted in terms of income. This is unfortunate for the black majority that only earns wages. White people earn an income as well as other money in forms such as that of interest, rent, dividends and profits. All these other forms of income were accessible to whites by virtue of ownership of capital, land and other assets (Maphai 1994, 137) which black people did not have the advantage of being able to own. In the decade of 1986 1996, the annual growth of the GDP was less than one percent whereas the population growth of the country was an average of 2.5 percent per year. (Lichbach 2009, 472) The South African Economy was never designed to serve a black majority (Lichbach 2009, 472). As a middle income country, South Africa has a GNP of about 3630 US dollars per person. After 1994, the economy was revived with the GNP growing at a rate exceeding that of the population growth rate (Lichbach 2009, 472). During the Apartheid, sex and marriage between races was prohibited. Every aspect of social life was segregated by race. People of different races did not have the right to interact with one another socially no matter what the circumstance. The Freedom Charter of the ANC from 1955 declared that South Africa belongs to all who live in it, black and white and that no government can justly claim authority unless it is based on will of people (Lichbach 2009, 467). It was the 1980s that the government realized that the apartheid was costing a lot of money. The economy was suffering from a recession, currency inflation, and excessive costs (Lichbach 2009, 468). While the economy was going through this hard time, white people had the money emigrate whereas black people had to face the brunt of the poor education system. A social right that should be equal to all is that of citizenship. Under the Bantu Homelands Act (1957) Africans were stripped of citizenship, expelled from parts of the cou ntry and consigned to ten scattered, ethnic homelands (Kopstein Lichbach, pg 467). This was the largest forced movement of a group of people anywhere in the postwar world. Today, all South Africans have citizenship within their country and are able to purchase land anywhere they would like. In 1989 there were numerous black consumer boycotts due to Conservative Councils decision to uphold separate Amenities Act (Lester 1996, 233). The effect of these boycotts was that many businesses decided to take down their white only signs from store fronts. This movement really showed the power that united black consumers can have. Overall, South Africa is moving in the right direction in terms of their economy and society. With the GDP in a steady increase and more jobs being available to more of the country, it seems as if the country is heading towards making the state more democratic. In the term of 1989 1994, the National Party was in power. It is a white led party was whose leader was Frederik Willem de Klerk. De Klerk had an enormous role in ending the apartheid in South Africa. He was very supportive in changing the country into a multiracial democracy. (Lichbach 2009, 469) During the 1990- 1991 period, De Klerk used expressions like bill of rights, mixed economy, one undivided South Africa and one person one vote (Maphai 1994, 75). He wanted reform and non-racialism within the country. The leader of the African National Congress (ANC) in 1994 was Nelson Mandela when he won the Presidency. It is a black led party that was trying to gain more support from white people within the country. Not many white people wanted to support the party because they viewed the release of Mandela as the catalyst to the chaos that was on the rise within the country. As the ANC began to adopt more policies that appealed to more people in the country it was the first time that the ANC and the current government at the time openly agreed upon the same constituency. (Maphai 1994, 76) The two biggest parties in South Africa were the National Party and The African National Congress. In 1997, the National party changed its name to become the New National Party (NNP). They did this to try to move away from their apartheid past and create a new image for themselves. The party already began to share more views with the opposing ANC, which then led to an alliance between the two parties. After witnessing two federal elections as a recognized party, The NNP decided to dismantle in 2005. This was because of the rapid decrease in voter support; people did not like the idea of the NNP being allied with the ANC. In the 1994 election, NP had some 20% of the vote whereas in the election 10 years later that number dropped down to 1.9% (NEED CITATION FOR THAT). It was clear that the NNP was never going to have much say in governmental matters with so little voter support. Many former members of the NNP decided to join the ANC when the NNP was terminated. Negotiations for reform within the country began in the end of 1991 (Lichbach 2009, 470). During these negotiations the ANC and NP would agree on certain things like one person, one vote; an independent judiciary; and re integration of the homelands (Lichbach 2009, 470). These parties resolved most of their issues through political, economic and military pacts. A transitional government was finally made after the multiparty negotiating forum that took place in 1993. (Lichbach 2009, 470) It was the young leaders like Walter Sisulu, Oliver Tambo and Nelson Mandela that recommended to the ANC that they should begin discussing the aspect of a multiracial democracy. Within the 1994 election, there was celebration throughout the country. There was an extremely high voter turnout; 86% of eligible voters came out to vote, with ANC having a 63% majority. With Nelson Mandela as the new President, the top three parties, ANC, NP and Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP), formed the Government of National Unity (GNU). (Lichbach 2009, 471) In 1986, it was P.W. Botha that authorized the repeal of selected apartheid laws in recognition of the fact that blacks now lived permanently in the heart of all major metropolitan areas (Lichbach 2009, 468). Unfortunately this did not work for him because it ignored majority political aspirations. The ANC has been in power of South African since it was liberated in 1994. What people need to know is that the South African economy was never designed to serve a black majority (Lichbach 2009, 472). Some question whether the fact that ANC has such a huge majority over government is a good thing or a bad thing. The strong hold that the ANC has over power of the country may tempt leaders to change rules of the game to cover up corruption or to squelch political dissent (Lichbach 2009, 490). Others say that it is good to see the government representative of what the majority of the country wants. There are about fourteen parties that are represented in the South African government with many of them having no real chance of coming into power. This aspect of the democratic audit is quite good in the case of South Africa because of how representative the government is. The majority of the population, which are coloured, also have the majority in government. Therefore, it is easier for many people to have their voice heard through the party that they support. Though with the fact that one party has such a majority over all the rest, it can also be said that none of the other people in the country will be represented. What makes ANC different from many other majority parties is that many parties want or have an alliance with them. Alliances only occur between parties that share similar views and want one another to prosper. In South Africa, it can be deceived that the ANC- COSATU- SACP alliance manipulates blocks of vote into concentrations of political power for their own aggrandizement (Waghid 2003, 120) to disempowered minorities whose interests are affected by the groups policies. As one of the worlds youngest democracies, South Africa has many democratic elements that need to be implemented within the society. Having democratic policies are meaningless unless those policies are being implemented. Rights and equality issues have been and will still be at the forefront of the governments policies as they try to make the country a better place for all citizens. The rights that are written down in South Africas constitution provide a sense of pride knowing that they are there for everyone but what needs to be realized is that being afforded rights is not the same as being able to exercise such rights (Waghid 2003, 15). The high levels of inequality that are present in South Africa have to do with the fact that it is a young democracy that needs time to alter their society to reflect that. The African National Congress that is in power in government is doing a moderate job in maintaining a satisfactory level of order within the country and will only do more as tim e progresses. To say that South Africa is not a real democracy would not be a fair statement to make because of its youth and inexperience with this type of government. This country is a democracy that needs to evolve more and allow the people truly understand what it means to be a democracy.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Colombian Democracy Essay -- Politics Political Science
Colombian Democracy There is a practical problem to capturing a cogent understanding of Colombia in a single snapshot. There are two realities of Colombia scholars use to frame analysis of the birthplace of Gabriel Garcia Marquezââ¬â¢s magical realism: ââ¬Å"armed conflictâ⬠and ââ¬Å"political democracy.â⬠These phenomena are a defining feature of modern Colombia. They have coexisted since 1958 when the National Front political pact ended intra-elite conflict in La Violencia but failed to guarantee a stable social order. In a sense, Colombian society was never successfully ââ¬Å"pacifiedâ⬠in the way its neighboring nations were. The question of whether and how these two realities will be linked in the future is what stimulates my interest in this Andean nation. To submit an intelligible diagnosis and prospective commentary about Colombian democracy, it is worthwhile to review how scholarship treats the trajectory of this unique arrangement. Divorced research approaches to studying Colombia For a number of reasons, under the current administration of President Alvaro Uribe the tradition of utilizing an integrative approach to understanding the tortuous epic of Colombian democracy and violence is diminishing in credibility. In general, divorcing the realities of the Western hemisphereââ¬â¢s second oldest ââ¬Å"democracyâ⬠(defined as the electoral party politics practiced in Bogotà ¡ and other urban centers) and the significant violent resistance and repression which characterize vast rural areas from one another by politicians is a means to establishing a binary of terrorism and democracy. The corollary is often to promulgate attractive panacea-like policy prescriptions. In the academy, scholars too can fall victim to this oversimplification an... ...d de Chile, Instituto de Ciencia Politica, Vol. 42, Fall 2004, 1-25. Pizarro, Eduardo, Una democracia asediadaa, Bogotà ¡: Grupo Editorial Norma, 2004. Posada-Carbà ³, Eduardo, ed., The Politcs of Reforming the State, London: Institute for Latin America Studies, University of London, 1998. Richani, Nazih, Systems of Violence The Political Economy of War and Peace in Colombia, Albany: State University of New York Press, 2002. Vargas, Ricardo, ââ¬Å"State, Esprit Mafioso, and Armed Conflict in Colombia,â⬠in Burt, Jo-Marie and Mauricci, Philip, eds., Politics in the Andes: Identity, Conflict, Reform, Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2004. Whitehead, Laurence, ââ¬Å"Reforms: Colombia and Mexico,â⬠in Garreton, Manuel A and Newman, Edward, eds., Democracy in Latin America: Reconstructing Political Society, New York: United Nations University Press, 2002.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Hamburger â⬠Nutrition Essay
Do you like to eat fast food Nowdays peopleââ¬â¢s lives are becoming faster and faster. Because of a tight schedule, many people decide to eat fast food. Fast food is a western food. Fast food refers to any poor nutrition food that is easily prepared. Fast food may include chips, hot pies, sandwiches, burgers, kebabs, pizzas, soups, and salads. It also includes drinks, for instance, milkshakes, and soft drinks. Fast food has advantages and disadvantages. Some of the advantages of fast food are that fast food is cheap, time saving, and quick. Fast Food Saves Time. People can order fast food on their way to or from work, without ever leaving their car, which is drive thru. Fast food is also designed to come in small packaging, So that people can consume it while traveling. Light on the Wallet Its means Eating fast food can save a lot of money for large families, students and anyone else looking to eat out without breaking the bank. Many fast food chains offer discount menus with foods costing. Customers also avoid having to leave a tip when they choose a fast food establishment over a typical restaurant. Easy to find place Some of the most popular fast food chains include McDonaldââ¬â¢s, KFC, Burger King, Pizza Hut, Dunkinââ¬â¢ Donuts, and many more. Despite of having many advantages, fast food has many disadvantages including obesity and different kinds of diseases. Obesity Extra calories can lead to being overweight or obese. As we know children nowadays like to eat fast food. So the percentages of obesity among children increase from year to year. With obesity come other problems like high blood pressure, the increasing of cholesterol and other related diseases of the heart that can lead to heart attack and many more serious diseases. Fast food has advantages and disadvantages. Some of the advantages are that it is easy, quick, and inexpensive. On the other hand, some of the disadvantages are that it causes obesity and different kinds of diseases. Eating fast food is like playing with our health and if we lose our health neither the money, nor the time can get it back.
Friday, January 3, 2020
History and facts about DEll Computer Corporation - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1823 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category IT Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? History 1984- Michael dell made Dell Computer Corporation. 1985- Dell company introduces the first machine (computer) of its own design.it name is the Turbo, and its features are that they uses Intel 8088 processor in it. 1987- Dell is the only company who are offering next day, on-site service of product. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "History and facts about DEll Computer Corporation" essay for you Create order 1988- Dell conducts initial public offering of company stock, 3.5 million shares at $8.50 each. 1990- Dell opens the manufacturing centre in Limerick and Ireland to serve the European, Middle Eastern and African markets. 1991- In this year first latitude notebook computer of Dell is introduced. 1992- 500 Roster of worlds largest companies was included first time among fortune. 1993- Company first time enters into Asia region. (Australia and Japan) 1995- $8.50 shares of Dell stock worth $100 on presplit basis. 1996- Internet sale is started and now customers can buy online. 1997- Got the rank of first five worldwide computer system makers. Dell sends its 10 millionth computer system. The value of per share in common stock reaches $1,000. 1998- Production and customer centre was opened in Xiamen, China. 1999- Dell takes two steps in this year 1: Start manufacturing in Eldorado, Brazil to serve Latin America. 2: Start E-Support online technical suppor t. 2000- Online sales of Company reach up to $50 million per day and Dell becomes the No.1 in worldwide workstation shipments. 2001- Got no.1 rank in the global market share and also become the no.1 in United States for standard Intel architecture severs shipments. 2002- Dell has been chosen No.1 computer systems provider by the consumers. 2003- Dell introduces printers for consumers and business and launches its Recycling to enable customers to donate to charity computer parts. The name change to Dell Inc. is officially reflecting the evolution of the company to a diverse supplier of technology and services. 2005- Dell comes top of the list in Americas most admired companies in the Fortune Magazine. And open the third largest manufacturing location in Winston-Salem. 2006- Company ships more than 10 million systems in 1 quarter and its first time in history. 2007- The Returns of Michael Dell as Chief Executive Officer. Dell Open a Facility in India. 2008- Shi ping of Xp home versionof the Inspiron Mini 9, Inspiron mini 12 and Ubuntu Notebook Remix. (https://www.slidefinder.net/D/Dell_Presented_Gediminas_Sumyla/27018290). Competitive Analysis Facts about Dell https://content.dell.com/uk/en/corp/d/corp-comm/our-story-facts-about-dell.aspx16:35 06/02/11 Michael Dell established Dell Corporation in 1984 in Austin, Texas, with an exceptional idea of selling computers having direct linkage to consumers; Dell is able to meet the computing needs of their customers effectively and efficiently. Now every day Dell connects with more than 5.4 million customers, through several ways like phone, in person, on Dell.com and most importantly through social networking websites, All over the world Dells almost 96,000 workers are dedicated to making technological work effective for communities and customers. It is one of the motive of Dell is make available the technology more easy to get to people and other organizations all over the world. Dells every day shipment is more than 110,000 computer systems to customers in almost 180 countries. Dells Customers to achieve the more Dell is united, to meet the needs of big corporations, public oriented institutions (healthcare centres, educational institution and government ets), SMEs, and the most important Dells customers. Dell have almost 41,000 Services group members in 90 countries,à 60 centres of technical support, and seven centres of global command committed to helping their customers to use the up-to-date technology to meets their businesss needs and goals. There is no doubt that Dell is on the top in the satisfaction of customers by providing the extraordinary services like on site response, on site expertise and phone supports, said the Corporate IT users. Fromà the Classroomsà toà Virtual Labs, primary schools to universities are arrangingà Dells specifically educational technological solutions, making Dell the number one source of providing laptops, notebooks and desktops computers to education in quite a lot of countries all over the world. As being a top rated IT Services p rovider of the world, Dell helps in the medical profession to set free the strength of technology to help for the better improvement regarding patients. Dell is the top ratedà supplier of Personal computers to lSE all over the world and the top ratedà supplier to public customers in the U.S. Dell deals with 98% of Fortune 500 corporations. As being on the 2nd in the rating of supplying computer to customers of education sector Dell is devoted to help teachers, admin, students connects the streangth of IT to broad learning. Dell is covering the SME as approx. 10 million small units deals with Dell through which It got high rank in U.S. No doubt that Dell is trusted greatly by customers regarding their corporations IT needs. Dell is on the top in providing the SCSI (ISCSI) solution of storage around the world and also number 1 in providing X86 server in U.S. Dells customers are able to deal with more than 60,000 registered partners of Dell and are certified to funct ion as their Agents. Connecting with the Customers through internet Dell started online selling in 1996 on Dell.com and now they have smore than 4million website visitors daily, which results in an order got online in almost every 2 seconds. In this era Dell.com is dealing in 166 countries and in 34 languages all over the world, dell is on the no. 3 of the top five search engines and it is second most reputed brand in social media activities for depth and breadth. Dell social Web community have more than 3.5 million members, the community includes Dell outlets on twitter Dell.com, Face book, Orkut (brazil) SINA and other websites. Dell introduced idea Stormâ⠢ in 2007, a place where people can share their thoughts, ideas and can also vote for the one they like Dell got ideas and those ideas also implemented about 400 ideas executed by Dell. Visitors of Dell are allowed to read and participate to more than 100,000 reviews of products. Financial Information For FY 2011, in third quarter finished 29, Oct, 2010 Dells Revenue was approx. $15.4 billion and the operating incomeà was about $1.02 billion. Dells Net income in 3rd quarter of fiscal year 2010à was $822 million and retribution per share was $0.42. (https://content.dell.com/uk/en/corp/d/corp-comm/our-story-facts-about-dell.aspx). Competition Dell is no doubt is operating in an industry where there is a rapid change in technology and innovations in hardware and software, services and the competition among products and prices and all the related areas of business from our standard competitors. Dell compete with its competitors with its competitive ability of giving profitable and good solutions to their customers that provide the new and required product features with customer services, a standard quality and reliability. All this is only possible due our direct linkage with our customers, which proves the best way of getting the information about the changing needs and wants of customers more efficiently than any other company. No doubt that this strong and healthy connection between Dell and its customers and the understanding of customers needs offers Dell a competitive advantage. By IDC, Dell grew 0.2 points of share by calendar 2008 as Dells 11.1% increase in units outpaced the companys general growth of computer sy stem which is 9.7%. in the share was due to a well overall performance in half FY 2009 followed by a decrease in units shipments in dells business in last 6 months of FY 2009. Which was somewhat equalized by the potency in our globalized business. Dells growth of commercial businesss units was slow which shows their decision in an erode demand atmosphere to enable the growth in units while saving the profitability. For the duration of the second half of FY 2009, the intact business faces a difficult IT end-user demand situation as present economic situation impacted on global customer ways of spending. The companies like technology grow by increasing their offerings and piercing new natural features. For achieving this level of growth, companies will bring innovation and will also lesser price. Dells capability to sustain or increase market share is predicated on our capability to be competitive on product functionality, quality and geographic saturation, and pricing. Furthermore, T he efforts of Dell to equalize its mixes of services and variety of products to optimize profitability, elasticity, and chances of growth may affect the position of Dells market share in short term. In the last of the FY 2009, Dell by sustaining its position in the market remained the top rated supplier in personal computers in U.S and worldwide was at 2nd position. (https://i.dell.com/sites/content/corporate/secure/en/Documents/FY09_SECForm10K.pdf). Competitors When we talk about the competitors, comparatively Dells growth in Q4 of FY2009 was low which 11.5% is and growth of its competitors like HP grew 19.8% market growth and Acer was at 13.5%. Dells growth compared to its 13.35 in the 4th quarter in 2008 was also short. This is the main feature of the high growth rate in the last 7 years in the personal computer selling market, even though the last quarter of 2008 was not so good because of economic critical situation. Whereas some other competitors like Lenovo and Toshiba is concerned comparatively to Dell they were at low point of growth rate which was like Lenovo 8.7% and Toshiba 5.3%. The growth of mobile PCs like net books and notebooks was low in the personal computers selling market. Dells main strength is that it deals in commercial and communal sector so with the intension of preserving its profit Dell refuse to become a part of price war in the personal computer market. Prelim worldwide PC vendor unit ships for Q4 2009 ( thousands of units) Company Q4 09 Mkt Share Q4 08 Mkt Share Growth HP 17,792.2 19.8% 14,239.9 19.3% 24.9% Acer 12,188.2 13.5% 8,612.7 11.7% 41.5% Dell 10,397.1 11.5% 9,839.3 13.3% 5.7% Lenovo 7,836.5 8.7% 5,509.3 7.5% 42.2% Toshiba 4,811.9 5.3% 3,668.1 5% 31.2% Others 37,008.5 41.1% 31,855.4 43.2% 16.2% Total 90,034.5 100% 73,724.7 100% 22.1% HP became a top rated compute seller in US, defeating Dell. Dell struggle to sustain its in the market. By this the US 5 top rated vendors were HP, Acer, Dell, Lenovo and Toshiba. (https://www.techeye.net/hardware/dell-continues-to-bleed-market-share). Conclusion The World largest PC manufacturer HP is using the retail channel strategy through which HP hit dells Sales and its profit, And showed the first-quarter profit of fiscal year 2008. The results estimated on orders for PCs, servers and storage by topped analysts shows that HPs strategy (to depend on the network of retailers) is working very well. They gave a wonderful option to touch the machines before purchasing and this option is helping HP to win customers .To add more HPs PCs and notebook are sold more than 110,000 stores. This is 10 times greater than Dell. Dell has its PCs selling not more than 10,000 stores. Even in terms of notebook and desktop models offered through retailers, HP offers them twice as many as Dell does. To Shoppers, therefore have more choice. Recommendation Dell uses direct sale strategy which is very good but not able to give the competitive edge to HP so I believe that Dell should also follow the same strategy as HP to win the customer back and to get success.
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