Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Moon Landing Hoax Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Moon Landing Hoax - Research Paper Example The problem with so many conspiracy theories or claims of well-organized hoaxes, however, is that they can never agree on exactly who did what, when, and why. For those 9/11 truthers out there as many reasons for the conspiracy as there are grains of sand. Likewise for the moon landing hoax. It is a cottage industry without any professional credibility. A lot of it has to do with resentment and hatred of the government which some people believe is an all-powerful, malign force. Events like Watergate and the build-up to the Iraq War do not inspire much confidence in people, but most historians and political observers see these events as isolated incidents or even undirected actions. Conspiracy theorists, however, see a moving finger behind everything that happens in the world. Take for example this sample of moon hoax rhetoric: The Apollo record, as it currently stands, is not the sum of the whole but only the part that has been revealed to the public—until now. Irrespective of individual opinions as to the validity of the exploration of space, to dismiss the Apollo Space Project because it was too long ago, or unimportant, is to permit a history based on a false premise to stand unchallenged. In so doing we become the slaves of an elite who it seems will stop at nothing to achieve their aims—and the one firm objective they hold is the domination of this planet via the medium of space. (Bennett, 4).  It is always interesting to examine the reasons why people embrace such theories.  

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