Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Political Cartoonist free essay sample

Cartoonist that specializes in cartooning political events and government officials. Almost every Newspaper has at least one of these entertaining drawings, they are usually found In the section containing politics. These Cartoons bring a bit of Humor to an otherwise dull article. Political Cartoons have been around since the late , In the united States as campaigning ads, within 100 years these drawings could be found all over the world.These early versions of the drawings were often aimed at persuading people to vote for whoever wasnt being insulted. Often times the drawings would be quite violent and vulgar, in order to drum up support for American Independence, Benjamin Franklin drew the famous Join or Die cartoon. It depicts a snake cut into multiple pieces, each piece was labeled with the name of one of the colonies, this image became very popular and would have been seen quite frequently.In the Presidential Campaign of 1800 there were many slanderous drawings of both candidates, Thomas Jefferson supporters claimed that John Adams wanted his son to be married to the King of Englands daughter, while John Adams supporters said that Jefferson was a a mean-spirited, low lived fellow, the son of a half-breed Indian squaw, sired by a mulatto father. We will write a custom essay sample on Political Cartoonist or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page During the election of 1 884 one of the most famous Political Cartoons in history was drawn, it displayed a baby crying Ma, Ma, where is my pa? Gone to the White House? . There were rumors that RoverCleveland fathered an illegitimate child and this was advertised by this cartoon. During the 1850-1860 the cartoons began to voice the debate over slavery and Secession, when the South Seceded in 1860 in northern controlled media depicted Jefferson Davis being hung or killed. The War of Northern Aggression changed the face of Political Cartoons, it changed from a free, independent business, to a heavily government controlled propaganda tool. WWW and WI saw some of the most influential cartoons, the picture of uncle Sam pointing and saying l want You, to Join he Army Inspired thousands of young men to Join the army.Since WI Political Cartooning evolved and continued to persuade voters in the US but in the USSR it was used, to great effectiveness, as a weapon. It was used to instill fear a nd pride in the citizens, since the Users creation, propaganda was necessary to spread the ideals of Communism across the expansive nation of Russia. These images showed the triumphs of Communism over the Tsar and Capitalism. In other nations like Nazi Germany propaganda was used to grow the popularity of the Nazi arty, In Great Britain the cartoons were used to call men to arms or grow support for the Imperialist government.Back in the US campaigning had become more civil and the cartoons were more conservative. The Cartoonists focused less on ripping apart the candidates and more on their policies and platforms. Nixon was mocked for Watergate, Clinton for the Monica scandal, Bush for making stupid comments, and Obama for his failed economic policies.

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