Thursday, December 26, 2019

Revolution during the Swinging Sixties - 1555 Words

The 1960s was a turning point in American history. Many remember the decade as the Swinging Sixties, â€Å"best remembered for the hippies and the Beatles, the Rolling stones and the Summer of Love, drugs, flamboyant fashion, and the ‘permissive society’† (Fisher 3). Socially, fashion was making a 180 degree turn. The Beatles influenced fashion for many bands. As Garson stated in his book, â€Å"Out were the matching jackets, ties, and pompadours, in were jeans, vests, and longer hair combed down in the style of the Beatles.† (Garson 86). First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy influenced women’s fashion a great deal as well. â€Å"Fashion both followed and predicated political action.† (Rielly 75-77). She set the fashion standards for women, and introduced new trends, such as the pillbox hat. Politically, an even that traumatized the American society was President John F. Kennedy’s assassination. Lee Harvy Oswald assassinated him on Nov ember 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas. One of John F. Kennedy’s goals for America was to help reduce poverty. After his murder, President Lyndon B. Johnson quickly jumped into office to help complete his work—often known as the Great Society. It was the largest reform since Roosevelt’s New Deal. â€Å"Two very important pieces of legislation were passed. The Civil Rights Bill that JFK promised to sign was passed into law†¦Johnson also signed the omnibus Economic Opportunity Act of 1964.† (Lyndon Johnson’s 1). But, his goal was made harder when America became moreShow MoreRelatedWhat Was the Impact of Increased Availability of Contraception on British Society?1382 Words   |  6 Pagessociety? The swinging sixties was a time like no other, it created a new generation with a new take on life. When people think of the sixties they think of the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Twiggy, mini-skirts and sex which is then often recalled as the period in time when Britain became a different place from the generations before, it was the â€Å"watershed era of freedom that changed society forever† says Dominic Sand brook. The age old myth says that the pill caused a sexual revolution in the 60s butRead MoreThe Movement Of Protest Movement Essay1183 Words   |  5 PagesFor many in the massive post-World War II baby boom generation, it was both the best of times and the worst of times.† (K. Walsh) a. Historians nostalgically described the sixties as a counterculture and revolution in social norms, such as: art, sexuality, formalities, and philosophy. The decade was also called the Swinging Sixties because the relaxation of social taboos relating to sexism. Challenging the idea that a good citizen conforms to gender norms and heterosexuality. b. One can blatantly observeRead MoreWomen in the 20th Century1684 Words   |  7 Pages The 1960’s was a time period in the United States history that saw an abundance of change for the American people. One of the many changes was the â€Å"sexual revolution†, which mainly focused on women. Not only did it focus on the sexual liberation of women, but also the attitude towards women in corporate America. The sexual revolution was a major turning point on how women were perceived in public, media, and politics. Throughout the 20th century women had become a political presence. They foughtRead MoreThe Vietnam War and Its Effects on Society During the 1960s1594 Words   |  7 PagesThe 1960s were a time of radical change in the society of America. A sense of liberalism could be felt though out the counting during the middle of the decade. The infamous Vietnam War and the new alternative culture were pushing the United States towards a time of liberalism and a nationwide rebellion against the social norms. The first combat forces were sent to Da Nang in 1965, by a formally anti war President, Lyndon B Johnson. The question of why the United States was engaging in a war betweenRead MoreThe 1960s in the United States Essay487 Words   |  2 Pages Many people who lived through the 60s decade feel it was revolutionary; a ‘swinging’ period after years of austerity and gloom with the young people commanding the army of change. This view however, has been challenged. Some think that the 60s have a misguided view. Instead of the sixties transforming life for the better, it actually made life worse. For young people during the sixties, life had freedom and freedom had opportunities. Education became more efficientRead MoreIs Fashion Running Out of Ideas?1383 Words   |  6 PagesIs Fashion Running Out Of Ideas? Is fashion really any different today than it was over 40 years ago in the swinging 60’s? It must be, surely. So much in this modern, fast, moving world has changed over this period. Today’s laptop computers would have filled a large room 40 years ago; the Internet didn’t even exist. Materials such as Lycra and Spandex were unheard of. It is true that modern materials and techniques have brought today’s fashion designers, manufacturers and retailers greaterRead MoreThe Partys Domestic And Foreign Policy1232 Words   |  5 PagesNeoconservativism has been defined as a political movement born in the United States during the 1960’s among Democrats who became disenchanted with the party s domestic and especially foreign policy. That is a fine definition if one grew up in that era and understood what was going on, or if everyone knew what the parties domestic and foreign policies were. However, not everyone can lay claim to either of those options as tr ue to them. So one must take the time to understand the rise of this conservativeRead MoreThe Loss Of Faith And The Decline Of Church Attendance1797 Words   |  8 PagesSecularization the loss of faith and the decline in church attendance is something that has left historians asking why this occurred and at what point in history did the people of Great Britain lose their faith, add in the sexual revolution of the swinging sixties the development of the oral contraception pill and immigration to Great Britain, which brought together people from other colonies and with them they brought their religion, the connection between any of these factors if there is one hasRead MoreBarbie Based : A Barbaric Culture2099 Words   |  9 PagesIt was the dawn of a new post-World War 2 baby-boom decade characterized by social revolution and change, which Barbie’s chic and stylish look strongly echoed. In 1960, Barbie softened and toned down her makeup and donned a less arched eyebrow. For the first time ever, she also had an iris color shift; Barbie’s new electric blue eyes, though both willing and innocent, were eerily seductive. Prominent dolls during this era were the 1963 Fashion Queen Barbie and the 1964 Miss Barbie dolls, both featuringRead More The Psychedelic Sixties Essay3476 Words   |  14 Pagesfuture. The gradual improvement in relations between the U.S.A. and Russia made it seem that a nuclear war might yet be avoided. It looked like the country may actually prosper after the ever-so-powerful blow from World War II. During this time of optimism, a quot;youth revolutionquot; took place in dress, music, and values, and as a result, accepted ideas about sex, politics and religion were challenged. While at some points they tried to stray away from all the politics, many of these young people

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Human Resource Management ( Hrm ) Essay - 3805 Words

1.0 Introduction Human resource management (HRM) defines as an administrative process which manages and deals with the company’s employees to assist in achieving the company’s goals (Grimsley 2015). The role of HRM is to offer support in human resource matter to all employees. There are four functions of human resources which are recruit people, select best candidate, give training and development to new candidates and give some good compensation and benefit to new candidate (iPlace 2013). As we enter the new era, many company start to recognize the significance of effective human resource management. One of the importances of human resource management is to have good relationship between union and company’s management (MacDonald 2015). If a company has good policies and practices, union will think that the company cares for the employees’ benefit so that conflict between two parties would not exist. Furthermore, proper human resource policies and practices can help employee to work in a team in order to improve team work (University of California San Francisco 2015). Next, human resource management can assist company in achieving the company’s goals (Bianca 2015). If employees have positive and good attitude, it can help the company reduce the turnover costs and achieve the company’s goals. Besides, in order to reduce turnover costs, human resource can use suitable recruitment and selection methods in order to attract and select high performingShow MoreRelatedHuman Resource Management ( Hrm )1508 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"Human resource management (HRM) is the managing of human skills and talents to make sure they are used effectively and in alignment with an organization’s goals† (Youssef, 2012). The primary role of human resource management is to plan, develop, and order policies and programmers designed to make prompt use of an organization’s human resources. It is that part of management which is concerned with the people at work and with their relationship within an organization. I currently work for a HumanRead MoreHuman Resource Management ( Hrm )1552 Words   |  7 PagesHuman Resource Management (HRM) is the function within an association that has emphases on the employment of, administration of, and providing direction for the employees within an organization. The Human Resource Management department members deliver knowledge, training, tools, administrative services, and lawful and organization advice. The HRM department is organized by very talented managers who has a mission to make sure the rest of the business has the needs for successful operation. HumanRead MoreHuman Resource Management ( Hrm )1562 Words   |  7 PagesHuman resource management (HRM) is an important strategic and systematic approach that provides each company with the opportunity to create policies and practices, as well as to establish administrative forms (Pfeffer, 2007). According to Armstrong (2009) HRM is an approach that deals with ‘employment, development, and well-being of the peo ple working in organizations’. However HRM has evolved significantly through the years due to the rapid social, economic, political and environmental changes.Read MoreHuman Resource Management ( Hrm )1142 Words   |  5 Pageshe HRM Process Human Resource Management (HRM) is a combination of elements that work interdependently on each other to carry out the daily functions within an organization. Human Resources Management operates in several roles serving as a liaison between the organization and the employee. This dual role often present challenges within HRM; therefore it is vital the HRM Department is skilled on various issues that may arise on a daily basis within an organization. In this paper, I will discussRead MoreHuman Resource Management ( Hrm )1105 Words   |  5 PagesHuman Resource Management (HRM) is the function within an association that has emphases on the employment of, administration of, and providing direction for the employees within an organization. The Human Resource Management department members deliver knowledge, training, tools, administrative services, and lawful and organization advice. The HRM department is organized by very talented managers who has a mission to make sure the rest o f the business has the needs for successful operation. HumanRead MoreHuman Resource Management : Hrm772 Words   |  4 Pagesa brief description of the models of HRM discussed in the first chapter of the textbook, and explain how each one relates to strategic human resource management. Human Resource Management (HRM) at its best seeks to manage people and resources to maximize economic and social outputs. Social output resulting from providing opportunity for advancement will ultimately make employees become true participants in the company. Bratton and Gold (2012) outline six HRM models, they are: the Forbrum, TichyRead MoreHrm And The And Human Resource Management1094 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction The main purpose to write this essay is to analogize the differences in the field of HRM and IR. The Foundation of Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management is based on intense academic study. The essay is an endeavor to illustrate by scrutinizing their objectives and the viewpoints or the approaches of this field. The first part of the essay is an attempt to define HRM and IR and it further continues to explain the differences and similarities between the two. In the lastRead MoreHuman Resource Management ( Hrm )1405 Words   |  6 PagesHuman Resource Management (HRM) seeks to manage people and resources to maximize economic and social outputs. Bratton and Gold (2012) outline six HRM models which include: the Forbrum, Tichy and Devanna model, the Harvard model, the Guest model, the Warwick model, The Storey model, and Ulrich’s Strategic Partner model of HRM. Forbrum Tichy and Devanna model of HRM is based on the principle of selecting, appraising, developing and rewarding employees who fulfill management strategic business interestsRead MoreHuman Resource Management ( Hrm )2412 Words   |  10 Pages these human traits can bring considerable benefits to organizations† (Mullins 1999). However, when managed poorly they have the potential to limit organizational growth and threaten the viability of a business. â€Å"There are countless examples of corporate and project crises in the construction sector which have arisen as the result of people s behaviour, and it would seem that human resource management (HRM) has the potential to eliminate more construction risks than any other management approach†Read MoreHuman Resources Management ( Hrm ) Essay794 Words   |  4 Pages Human Resources Management (HRM) is people who work in an organization. The manager is a person who manages people, leads, facilitates and provide tools for the organization. Human resources management also, sets strategic processes and procedures, run difficult and complex communication as the organization attracts the best talents from the recruiting process. Human resources management is where everything begins and ends for an individual and the organization. Consequently

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Political Cartoonist free essay sample

Cartoonist that specializes in cartooning political events and government officials. Almost every Newspaper has at least one of these entertaining drawings, they are usually found In the section containing politics. These Cartoons bring a bit of Humor to an otherwise dull article. Political Cartoons have been around since the late , In the united States as campaigning ads, within 100 years these drawings could be found all over the world.These early versions of the drawings were often aimed at persuading people to vote for whoever wasnt being insulted. Often times the drawings would be quite violent and vulgar, in order to drum up support for American Independence, Benjamin Franklin drew the famous Join or Die cartoon. It depicts a snake cut into multiple pieces, each piece was labeled with the name of one of the colonies, this image became very popular and would have been seen quite frequently.In the Presidential Campaign of 1800 there were many slanderous drawings of both candidates, Thomas Jefferson supporters claimed that John Adams wanted his son to be married to the King of Englands daughter, while John Adams supporters said that Jefferson was a a mean-spirited, low lived fellow, the son of a half-breed Indian squaw, sired by a mulatto father. We will write a custom essay sample on Political Cartoonist or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page During the election of 1 884 one of the most famous Political Cartoons in history was drawn, it displayed a baby crying Ma, Ma, where is my pa? Gone to the White House? . There were rumors that RoverCleveland fathered an illegitimate child and this was advertised by this cartoon. During the 1850-1860 the cartoons began to voice the debate over slavery and Secession, when the South Seceded in 1860 in northern controlled media depicted Jefferson Davis being hung or killed. The War of Northern Aggression changed the face of Political Cartoons, it changed from a free, independent business, to a heavily government controlled propaganda tool. WWW and WI saw some of the most influential cartoons, the picture of uncle Sam pointing and saying l want You, to Join he Army Inspired thousands of young men to Join the army.Since WI Political Cartooning evolved and continued to persuade voters in the US but in the USSR it was used, to great effectiveness, as a weapon. It was used to instill fear a nd pride in the citizens, since the Users creation, propaganda was necessary to spread the ideals of Communism across the expansive nation of Russia. These images showed the triumphs of Communism over the Tsar and Capitalism. In other nations like Nazi Germany propaganda was used to grow the popularity of the Nazi arty, In Great Britain the cartoons were used to call men to arms or grow support for the Imperialist government.Back in the US campaigning had become more civil and the cartoons were more conservative. The Cartoonists focused less on ripping apart the candidates and more on their policies and platforms. Nixon was mocked for Watergate, Clinton for the Monica scandal, Bush for making stupid comments, and Obama for his failed economic policies.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Project Selection - Qualitative Factors free essay sample

Introduction: The selection of a project or a portfolio of projects constitutes one of the main problems that managers are faced with. Decision of selecting an engineering, construction or RD project is often fundamental for business survival. Such decisions usually involve prediction of future outcomes considering different alternatives. These predictions are not known with certainty, which results in a high level of uncertainty in managerial decision-making. So project managers often have to face some degree of uncertainty caused mainly by the increasing volatility in interest and exchange rates, lifting trade barriers and development of new technologies in electronics, nanotechnology, biotechnology, etc†¦ Various objectives are usually considered when projects are evaluated, including economic desirability, technical, environmental, social and/or political factors. As the decision maker tries to maximize or minimize outcomes associated with each objective depending on its nature, the evaluation criteria could be of various natures. While financial measures (Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return) are of quantitative type, the ones that reflect technical, environmental or social objectives are usually of qualitative nature. We will write a custom essay sample on Project Selection Qualitative Factors or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page (Maciej Nowak, 2006) In this document we will first identify and explain the non-financial factors an organisation must consider as part of any project economic evaluation. After that, we will evaluate the financial (quantitative) and non-financial (qualitative) models and techniques available to appraise investment projects. Qualitative Factors Whenever a project is to be evaluated, it is important to identify and understand the market demand whether it is static or fluctuating taking into account competition and its possible effects on the project’s market shares. Comparing the company’s performance and processes with those of its competitors and other best practice companies before taking a decision on a project is vital, hence scores and weightings of the company’s product, services or processes are to be compared with best practice in the same industry to identify areas of improvement. (Arun Kanda, 2011) Increasing assets and capital is not the main objective of many projects, it is also creating and enhancing human and institutional capabilities to manage and maintain development activities. Institutional appraisal is about the adequacy of such human capability and the institutional framework in which projects are implemented. This is one of the most challenging aspects of the project’s overall success. Many projects have limitations at the human and institutional level even if they have the most perfect design. Therefore, careful and sensitive consideration of institutional dimension and local conditions is required in project appraisal. (SOAS, University of London – 2012) After establishing the demand and saleability of the product, the appraiser should determine the technical feasibility of the project. The right decision is to be made taking into consideration Issues related to physical scale, layout, location of facilities, technology used, processes, and adaptation without forgetting Local-specific requirements, technical capacity, maintenance and Life expectancy, cost estimates and their relation to engineering or other data on which they are based. This is to evaluate whether the project is viable from a technical point of view or not. For instance, in the technical appraisal of an educational project considerations will have to be given to the curriculum, the number and nature of educational establishments, their physical facilities (classroom, space, laboratories, libraries, and equipment), personnel, skills gaps and training requirements, etc. (K. Nagarajan, 2004) A project may be located in an industrial area to take advantage of various concessions given by the government and other agencies, but it is required to weigh various locational factors needed for the optimum functioning of the unit. Some of the factors may not be present, particularly those relating to external economies, if the location of the unit is in a backward area. In such a case, the loss of external economies has to be compensated by the concessions available from the government and other agencies. (Hrishikes Bhattacharya, 2011) The following location related factors should be taken into account when appraising a project: Transportation of both raw materials and finished products. Topography of the area. Energy requirements (electricity and natural gas) Alternative power generation arrangements. Requirement and availability of workers (skilled and unskilled) Water requirement versus availability. Proximity to residential areas. State laws and regulations. Local taxes. Future expansion plans and availability of adjoining land. The world is concerned about the environment, depletion of the ozone layer, quality of air, water noise pollution and other emissions. The Environmental impact could be visible immediately but in most cases it takes time to appear hence the requirement to consider long term effects, analyse the impact and put in place mitigation measures. Prevention, compliance with international standards as well as looking at using least-polluting technology are to be considered as well. Every organization has its own risk tolerance, where some risk factors might be acceptable to one organisation; they might not be for another. Project risk must be assessed and evaluated as part of the project selection. It is a kind of projects screening for red flags which can increase efficiency in the phase of project selection. Risk is associated with every investment activity. There is, of course, a normal business risk, which is uniformly applicable to all business ventures. But over and above this normal risk, some businesses are more risky than others. An entrepreneur will not venture into any high-risk project unless the return is also high. The risk element will be high in a project where the product or process is new. Risk also increases in uncertain socioeconomic conditions, where probability of failure is higher than the normal level. In a risky project, or a project in a risky situation, the return must be high not only because greater compensation is required for the higher risk taken, but also because a risky project should pay for itself quickly. (Hrishikes Bhattacharya, 2011)

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Jewish Sabbath

The Jewish Sabbath Sabbath is a day of worship that the Jews observe. It falls on the seventh day of the week that falls on Saturdays. Observing Sabbath is one of the rules in the Ten Commandments given to the Abrahamic religions. The Jews observe the Sabbath on Saturday of every week. They observe it to show their respect to God on the day He rested after completion of creation.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The Jewish Sabbath specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More From Friday evening until the end of Saturday, is considered a resting period and referred to as the Sabbath; believers are not expected to be committed with any other duty other than worshiping God. The idea of the Sabbath day follows the belief that when God was creating the universe, he worked for six day and rested on the seventh day; Christians thus imitate God as their belief requires. The Jews go to temples on the Sabbath day beginning from 9.00 am after having shared a meal the previous night in observance of the rest day. During the service, the Jews pray, recite biblical texts and sing songs of worship. A rabbi conducts the service. Men and women do not sit together during the service and thus there are separate pews for men and women. The men cover their heads using kippah- a small skullcap. Moreover, they recall the biblical account when Moses was given the Torah at the Mountain of Sinai. The Torah contains the commandment that requires them to rest on the seventh day just as God did after he finished creating the heavens and the earth. Through the observation of the Sabbath, the Jews get a sense of awe for God and his presence. Pathos shows that God is concerned about the welfare of human beings and the human beings show their appreciation for him through observation of rituals that acknowledge him such as keeping the Sabbath day holy as the Jews do to honor their God. The Jews have feelings of God’s need in their lives and through ob serving the Sabbath they show that they have reverence for him. Through the various rituals such as biblical recitations the Jews show that they are open to God and by observing the ritual they are redirect their attention to God. The Jews believe that man symbolizes God and his authority and thus have male Rabbis who lead the services. Women are not allowed to participate in the service apart from lighting candles on Friday evening in readiness for the Sabbath. They take advice from the male leadership in the temple and Jews who practice the traditional form of religion. The Jews gather in the temple together with their families and enjoy the day through leisurely activities that help them to reconnect and build strong bonds as they enjoy spending the day with their God. They feel that they are doing the right thing by setting apart time to be with people close to them and away from their daily activities.Advertising Looking for report on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The activities that the Jews are permitted to do on the Sabbath day should not amount to work because this is a day of rest. However, some unavoidable activities are permitted, as it is the logical thing to do, as they make the Sabbath day enjoyable and enhance the joy that the congregants gain from the worship day. Finally, conservative Jews do not allow women to become rabbis, as they believe that is a position reserved for the men due to patriarchy. Such kinds of Jews are very strict concerning this issue and the women are not allowed to perform any activity in the temple in place of men.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Motifs and Motives

Motifs and Motives Motifs and Motives Motifs and Motives By Mark Nichol The Latin term motus, meaning â€Å"a moving† or â€Å"motion,† is the progenitor of the Old French word motif, which survived unchanged into Modern French and was subsequently borrowed into English. Motif, in turn, inspired the English term motive and its variants. Here’s an introduction to the motif/motive family. Motif, employed in French to mean â€Å"theme† or â€Å"dominant feature,† was adopted into English to serve the same purpose, pertaining to a recurring idea in a literary work. The Germans borrowed it, too, attaching the native word leit (meaning â€Å"lead,† synonymous with primary) to it to describe an element in a musical composition associated with and characteristic of a person, place, or thing; the term was popularized by discussions of Wagner’s operas. The ever-welcoming English language included leitmotiv in its repertoire in the 1870s, a few decades after motif was adopted. However, motive, descended from the French term, dates from late medieval times and has spawned other words. Motive refers to an inward inclination to behave in a certain way or to take a specific action or course; it is less commonly employed as an adjective. (Interestingly, the connotation in a reference to someone’s motive for doing something is often a negative one; the word often implies scheming for selfish purposes.) Automotive (motive joined with the Greek prefix meaning â€Å"self†) was coined to refer to a theoretical flying vehicle in the mid-nineteenth century and later pertained to horseless carriages; locomotive was started out as an adjective in the early 1600s but became associated with railroad technology 200 hundred years later, first in the phrase â€Å"locomotive engine† and soon thereafter as a noun itself. Emotive began life as an adjective meaning â€Å"causing movement† and then acquired the connotation of â€Å"capable of emotion,† but its primary sense now, dating from early twentieth-century literary criticism, is â€Å"evoking emotions.† (The verb emote, meaning â€Å"to express emotions,† is a back-formation not from emotive but from the noun emotion.) To motivate is to inspire or prompt action; the noun form is motivation. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:What Is Irony? (With Examples)Whenever vs. When Ever20 Slang Terms for Law Enforcement Personnel

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Historical analysis of football contracts Essay

Historical analysis of football contracts - Essay Example The relationship between players and clubs changed fundamentally through the years. Contemporary football is caught between two very powerful concepts: the freedom of movement of players on the one side and contractual stability on the other. The international governing body FIFA attempts to provide a universal guideline on how to deal with contractual stability and international mobility. A it was shown in this research project, freedom of movement is the consequence of many social, cultural and, not at last, political developments which have caused an increase in international mobility of players in the recent past. The focus of this article centered on playing contract conditions, analysis of power determinants in the football labor market. The football labor market, as this paper will demonstrate, is a site for power contestation between football authorities and players and the ‘transformation of circumstances’ with regard to playing contract conditions throughout the history of the game is central to this paper. The paper uses agency-structure as a framework and consequently adopts the view that football players perform their labor in an occupational workplace that is governed by football’s authorities (that is, the game’s rules, governing bodies, regulating authorities and clubs). In this sense, the players are considered to be the individual agents (agency)while the football authorities are the structure whilst the power battle between the players and authorities – as part of agency-structure – regarding playing contract conditions over time is the f ocal point of this paper.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Moon Landing Hoax Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Moon Landing Hoax - Research Paper Example The problem with so many conspiracy theories or claims of well-organized hoaxes, however, is that they can never agree on exactly who did what, when, and why. For those 9/11 truthers out there as many reasons for the conspiracy as there are grains of sand. Likewise for the moon landing hoax. It is a cottage industry without any professional credibility. A lot of it has to do with resentment and hatred of the government which some people believe is an all-powerful, malign force. Events like Watergate and the build-up to the Iraq War do not inspire much confidence in people, but most historians and political observers see these events as isolated incidents or even undirected actions. Conspiracy theorists, however, see a moving finger behind everything that happens in the world. Take for example this sample of moon hoax rhetoric: The Apollo record, as it currently stands, is not the sum of the whole but only the part that has been revealed to the public—until now. Irrespective of individual opinions as to the validity of the exploration of space, to dismiss the Apollo Space Project because it was too long ago, or unimportant, is to permit a history based on a false premise to stand unchallenged. In so doing we become the slaves of an elite who it seems will stop at nothing to achieve their aims—and the one firm objective they hold is the domination of this planet via the medium of space. (Bennett, 4).  It is always interesting to examine the reasons why people embrace such theories.  

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Conceptualize and Get Sacked Essay Example for Free

Conceptualize and Get Sacked Essay Conceptualize and Get Sacked HSS Ltd. is a leader in high-end textiles having headquarters in Bangalore. The company records a turnover of Rs 1,000 cr. plus a year. A year back, HSS set up a unit at Hassan (250 km away from Bangalore) to spin home textiles. The firm hired Maniyam as GM-HR and asked him to operationalise ne Hassan unit. Maniyam has a vision. Being a firm believer in affirmative actions, he plans to reach out to the rural areas and tap the potentials of teenaged girls with plus two educational backgrounds. Having completed their 12th standard, these girls are sitting at homes, idling their time, watching TV serials endlessly and probably dreaming abut their marriages. Junior colleges are located in their respective villages and it is easy for these girls to get enrolled in them. But degree colleges are not nearby. The nearest degree college is minimum 10 km and no parents dare send their daughters on such long distances and that too for obtaining degrees, which would not guarantee them jobs but could make searching for suitable boys highly difficult. These are the girls to whom Maniyam wants to reach out. How to go about hiring 1500 people from a large number who can be hired? And Karnataka is a big state with 27 districts. The GM-HR studies the geography of all the 27 districts and zeroes in on nine of them known for backwardness and industriousness. Maniyam then thinks of the principals of Junior Colleges in all the nine districts as contact persons to identify potential candidates. This route is sure to ensure desirability and authenticity of the candidates. The girls are raw hands. Except the little educational background, they know nothing else. They need to be trained. Maniyam plans to set up a training centre at Hassan with hostel facilities for new hires. He even hires Anil, an MBA from UK, to head the training centre. All is set. It is a bright day in October 2006. MD and the newly hired VP-HR came to Hassan from Bangalore. 50 principals from different parts of the nine districts also came on invitation from Maniyam and Anil. Discussions, involving all, go on up to 2 PM. At that time, MD and VP-HR ask Maniyam to meet them at the guest house to discuss some confidential matter. In this meeting, Maniyam is told that his style of functioning does not jell with the culture of HSS. He gets the shock of his life. He responds on expected lines by submitting his papers. Back in his room, Maniyam wonders what has gone wrong. Probably, the VP-HR being the same age as he is, is feeling jealous and insecure since the MD has all appreciation for the concept and the way things are happening. Maniyam does not have regrets. On the contrary he is happy that his concept is being followed though he has been sacked. After all, HSS has already hired 500 girls. With Rs 3,000 plus a month each, these girls and their parents now find it easy to find suitable boys. Questions:- 1. What made the MD change his mind and go against Maniyam? What role might the VP-HR have played in the episode? 2. If you were Maniyam, what would you do?

Friday, November 15, 2019

Essay --

Formal Analysis Paper Claude Oscar Monet (1840-1926) was a French painter known for his use of bold color and unusual subject matter. In the 1860’s, Monet joined like-minded artists such as Edgar Degas; to create the movement that became known as Impressionism. Edgar Degas (1834–1917) was also French but born to a wealthy family. He benefitted from traditional training and was not comfortable with the label â€Å"Impressionist† due to this training. This paper intends to analyze Claude Monet’s "The Walk, Woman with a Parasol"(fig. 1), and Edgar Degas’ â€Å"The Little Fourteen–Year–Old Dancer† (fig. 2), through a consideration of composition, use of color, perspective, and brush strokes. Capturing the natural play of light and shadow was a signature theme in all of Monet’s work. In this painting, he positions the light to the right of the woman and boy which leads the viewer’s eye up. He then uses shadows in the parasol, the woman’s face and on the ground to lead the viewer’s eye back down the painting. The deliberate placement of the light and shade is an effective tool that he uses with a lighter touch in the boys clothing, the clouds and notably the grass. This piece showcases Monet’s use of color, which was another one of his signature themes. He uses cool colors to give the painting a tranquil feeling and to help emphasize his subjects, the woman and boy. He stays with the cool color pallet with use of blue in; the sky, the woman’s clothes, the grass and the boy’s clothes. He then incorporates warm colors into the piece with the use of white in the clouds, and in the models’ clothes, the parasol, an d even in the grass. Monet used the highlights of yellow and white to serve as focal points as well as natural highlights... cloth. While the corset appears to be tailored loosely, the tutu seems to fit but it lies limp against the figure’s legs. Despite the use of mixed media, the dancers tights are actually sculpted, not fabric. The ballet slippers are actual shoes coated with wax; the same wax covers the entire sculpture, preserving her and the fragile elements. In Monet’s painting, "The Walk, Woman with a Parasol", the viewer is led through a journey of expressive brushstrokes, color, and the playfulness of light and shadows. He successfully uses his impressionistic brushwork to grasp the viewer’s attention and keeps their interest with his balancing of warm light and the shadowing cool colors. Degas uses his knowledge and study of the human figure to grab the viewer’s attention; he then follows up with his unconventional use of bronze and mixed media to keep their intrest. â€Æ'

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Money and Power Social Stratification Essay

Additionally, Max Weber expanded the idea of Mar's classic theory. He stated that people have free will, ability to make choices about something. People in effect can have an insight into what someone else is going through, the ability to relate to each other dimensions of power. The more you know, you have the power to insight. The people have power with access to skills, knowledge, and labor. William Domingo and C. Right Mills have gathered a contemporary theory, the power elite theory which is distributed power. Power elite theorist C. Right Mills stated that the rich people are all related.They control the economy, politics, government, media, criminal justice system laws, cultural capital, and etc. He summarized that they are a group of people who control everything. The wealthiest 1 percent own 33 percent of the Nation's wealth. Those who control have power and so they maintained that power by establishing methods of control. William Domingo theory explains that the power elite maintain their power by sharing a perfect set of coordinated interests. They are such things as vacationing at a similarly destinations, joining elite clubs, tending select schools, and socializing within the same group. Art 2: 2. ) social Class Scientific research analyzes that most people who are in the same class have the same access to the things that are valued in our society. Such valuable things are money, power, good neighborhood and schools. They also live in a similar way such as their lifestyles. People that work in a higher level tend to place themselves as middle class. Social class are break down into two groups: White collar and blue collar/pink collar. The white collar are required to have at least a bachelor degree and they are identified as the middle class.The blue or pink collar are the working class who are pay less than white collar. Their jobs required less education. Gender and race was also ranked in social class. As for gender, a male and for race, a white person would help to be in higher social class. More women were in poverty than men due to the fact that men were the head. There are four approaches to determining social class. The first one is objective method which is the use of a multidimensional numerical (statistical) measure. The second way is called self-placement, the individuals appraise their own class according to questioners categories.The third way is reputation method which individuals appraise others' class according to questioners categories. The fourth way is combined method, Coleman and Rainwater: People who have really made it, people who are doing really well, people who have achieved the middle-class dream, people who have a comfortable life, people who are just getting by, and people who are having a difficult time. Social Stratification still occurs today because it is useful for individuals and groups such as people who have power have the ability to control others who are powerless. 2. ) Social class (p. 126-127)

Sunday, November 10, 2019

How the internet works Essay

Although the details of routing and software are complex, the operation of the internet from the users’ perspective is fairly straight forward. As an example of what happens when the Internet is used, consider that you type the URL www. helpmegetoutofthis. com into the Netscape browser. The browser contacts a DNS server to get the IP address. A DNS server would start its search for an IP address. If it finds the IP address for the site, then it returns the IP address to the browser, which then contacts the server for www.helpmegetoutofthis. com, which then transmits the web page to your computer and browser so you can view it. The user is not aware that of the operation of an infrastructure of routers and transmission lines behind this action of retrieving a web page and transmitting the data from one computer to another. The infrastructure of the internet can be seen as a massive array of data relay nodes (routers) interconnected by data transmission lines, where each node can service multiple transmission lines. In the general case where information must be sent across several nodes before being received, there will be many possible pathways over which this transmission might occur. The routers serve to find a path for the data transmission to occur. The routing of a file or data packets of a file is either be done by the technique of source routing or the technique of destination routing. In source routing, the path the data transmission will follow id specified at the source of the transmission, while destination routing is controlled by the routers along the path. In the modern internet, almost all routing is done by destination routing because of security issues associated with source routing. Thus, the routers must be programmed with protocols that allow a reasonable, perhaps optimum, path choice for each data packet. For the routers to choose an optimum path also requires that the interconnected routers communicate information concerning local transmission line metrics. Router communication is thus itself a massive information transfer process, given that there is more than 100,000 networks and millions of hosts on the Internet. When viewing the enormity of the problem, it is perhaps easier to understand why engineers have accepted a sub-optimal solution to the problem of efficiency in data transfer on the Internet. When initially confronting a problem, the practical engineering approach is to simplify the problem to the point where a working solution can be obtained and then refine that solution once the system is functional. Some of the simplifying assumptions used by engineers for the current internet data transmission system include. 1) A transmission line is never over capacity and is always available as a path choice. 2) The performance of the router and transmission line does not depend on the amount of traffic. These two assumptions do simplify the problem of path choice considerably because now all the transmission lines and nodes may be considered equal in capacity and performance completely independent of traffic. As such, it is a much simpler optimization problem consisting of finding the route with the shortest path length. To simplify the problem even further, another assumption is made: 3) Consider that an â€Å"Autonomous System† (AS), is a small internet inside the Internet. An AS is generally considered to be a sub-network of an Internet with a common administrative authority and is regulated by a specific set of administrative guidelines. It is assumed that every AS is the same and provides the same performance. The problem of Internet routing can now be broken down into the simpler problem of selecting optimum paths inside the AS and then considering the optimum paths between the AS. Since there are ‘only’ around 15,000 active AS’s on the Internet, the overall problem is reduced to finding the best route over 15,000 AS nodes, and then the much simpler problem of finding the best route through each AS. There is an important (to this thesis) set of protocols which control the exchange of routing information between the AS’s. The sort of routers in an AS which communicates with the rest of the internet and other AS’s are called border routers. Border routers are controlled by a set of programming instructions known as Border Gateway Protocol, BGP. A more detailed discussion of computer networking principals and the Internet facts can be found in e. g. [7]. An Introduction to Router Protocols. Routers are computers connected to multiple networks and programmed to control the data transmission between the networks. Usually, there are multiple paths that are possible for transmission of data between two points on the Internet. The routers involved in the transmission between two points can be programmed to choose the ‘best path’ based on some metric. The ‘protocols’ used to determine the path for data transmission are routing algorithms. Typical metrics used by routing algorithms include path length, bandwidth, load, reliability, delay (or latency) and communication cost. Path length. Path length is a geometric measure of how long the transmission lines are. The routers can be programmed to assign weights to each transmission line proportional to the length of the line or each network node. The path length is then the sum of the weights of the nodes, lines or lines plus nodes along the possible transmission path. Bandwidth. Bandwidth is used to describe the available transmission rate (bps) of a given section the possible transmission path. An open 64 kbps line would not generally be chosen as the pathway for data transmission if an open 10 Mbps Ethernet link is also open, assuming everything else is equal. However, sometimes the higher bandwidth path is very busy and the time required for transmission on a busy, high bandwidth line is actually longer than on a path with a lower bandwidth. Load. This data packet transmission per unit time or the percent of CPU utilization of a router on a given path is referred to as the load on this path. Reliability. The reliability of a data transmission path can be quantitatively described as the bit error rate and results in the assignment of numeric reliability metrics for the possible data transmission pathways. Delay. The delay in data transmission along a certain path is due to a combination of the metrics that have already been discussed, including geometric length of the transmission lines, bandwidth, and data traffic congestion. Because of the hybrid nature of the communications delay metric, it is commonly used in routing algorithms.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Death of Jane McCrea Analysis essays

The Death of Jane McCrea Analysis essays The Death of Jane McCrea Analysis So many words come to mind when I look at the horrific picture painted by John Vanderlyn in 1804. The Death of Jane McCrea depicts two Native-Americans holding a tomahawk above an innocent white woman. Between the period of when the first settlers arrived in Jamestown (1607), and when this painting was completed, relations with between the white settlers and the Native Americans tended to oscillate between friendship and hostility. This painting was an illustration for an epic poem glorifying a white settlement. It was designed as propaganda, in order to justify the settlers hate towards the Indians. Vanderlyn used to many different painting techniques in order to prove to the world that the Indians were savage and barbaric people. The setting alone creates a gloomy impression from the very beginning. This atrocity takes place deep into dimly lit woods. Large trees and the lack of other human life suggest a dark seclusion. This dark seclusion is an indication of the lifestyle that the Indians lived- opposite to that of the white settlers. Many of the white settlements had large buildings (churches, town meeting places) with many people walking in the streets. Vanderlyn indicates that the lifestyle that the Indians were living in was uncivilized, with no large buildings and almost no people around. The dark woods makes me think of other creatures lurking in the bushes, ready to attack at any time. The setting almost seems as if it has occurred as a nightmare in someones worst dreams. Clothing plays an important role in the meaning of this picture. The Indians, large, muscular, and dark, are dressed with a minimal amount of clothing. The woman they are in the midst of killing looks very light skinned, and has almost an abundance of clothing. When reading the description of the Indians, it seems as if the description matches that of an animal. The Indians n...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Slideshow English

Slideshow English Slideshow English Slideshow English By Maeve Maddox Although I know they are a time-suck, slideshows with intriguing titles or photos often lure me in. The most recent to attract my attention was about â€Å"freaky coincidences.† Because the format was the kind that requires two clicks for each slide–one for the photo and one for the caption–I was ready to stop after the second slide, but the first sentence of the second caption prompted me to continue: A man saved the same baby’s life twice on accident. Always on the lookout for material, I felt I had found a possible source of nonstandard English, so I kept going. I was not disappointed. If the slideshow was created by a non-native English speaker for personal amusement, the numerous errors are understandable. If the captions are the work of a professional writer whose native language is English, they reflect a serious lack of revision. The show’s 14 slides yield 16 examples of nonstandard usage and punctuation. I won’t comment on punctuation. 1. A man saved the same baby’s life twice on accident. Although often heard, â€Å"on accident† is unidiomatic. The standard expression is â€Å"by accident†: â€Å"A man saved the same baby’s life twice by accident.† 2. In 1930, a baby fell out of a window and Joseph Figlock broke the land. The writer is thinking of the baby’s landing. â€Å"Broke the landing† would do the job, but â€Å"broke the baby’s fall† would be better. 3. In 1858, a man was shot dead while playing poker as an act of vengeance. Correcting this sentence requires rearranging phrases and changing as to in. The man was not â€Å"playing poker as an act of vengeance.† He was â€Å"shot as an act of vengeance.† Why the man was shot is not as important as the fact that he was shot: â€Å"In 1858, a man playing poker was shot dead in an act of vengeance.† Changing as to in subordinates the reason for the shooting to the act of shooting. Context for the next item: The man who was shot left $600 on the table. Another man appropriated the $600 and continued playing, increasing the amount to $2,200. 4. When the cops heard word of this [the fact that the dead man’s winnings had been used by a subsequent gambler] they demanded the $600 was given to the next of kin to the deceased. This sentence requires editing in segments. i. When the cops heard word of this The idiom is â€Å"to have word of something.† For example, â€Å"I just had word that our team lost by one point.† Two ways to edit the original sentence: â€Å"When the cops heard of this, they demanded† â€Å"When the cops learned of this, they demanded† ii. they demanded the $600 A that is needed to introduce the noun clause that follows demanded: â€Å"they demanded that the $600.† Without the that, the reader is led to believe that the police were demanding the $600 for themselves. iii. demanded [that] the $600 was given to the next of kin The noun clause requires a verb in the passive subjunctive: â€Å"The police demanded that the $600 be given to the next of kin.† iv. given to the next of kin to the deceased The expression â€Å"next of kin† means, â€Å"nearest relation,† usually of a deceased person. For that reason, the prepositional phrase modifying kin is overkill. If another phrase were needed to explain the relationship with kin, the preposition would be of, not to: â€Å"the next of kin of the deceased.† 5. In 2002, two identical twin brothers were killed on the same road, from two different accidents i. two identical twin brothers The word twin conveys the meaning of two. ii. killedfrom two different accidents People are killed in accidents. They die of injuries. They suffer from diseases. And, again, the two is unnecessary. We already know that there were two people involved in separate accidents. 6. Later, Ziegland went to go chop down the tree that the bullet was inside. It’s enough to say, â€Å"went to chop down the tree.† The idea of â€Å"going† is contained in the verb went. 7. Coincidentally, their father was in the same hospital from recovering from a surgery. This sentence is meant to convey the idea that the father just happened to be in the same hospital his two sons were brought to following their accidents. The phrase â€Å"from recovering† seems to mean, â€Å"because he was recovering.† The indefinite article is not needed before the word surgery, at least not in American English. Edited: â€Å"Coincidentally, their father was in the same hospital, recovering from surgery.† An American speaker would use an article with the word operation: â€Å"recovering from an operation.† 8. Robert E Lee himself showed up at the cottage to request its use as a formal place of surrender. The contraction it’s stands for two words: it is. The context calls for the possessive adjective its. Edited: â€Å"Robert E Lee himself showed up at the cottage to request its use as a formal place of surrender.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Math or Maths?40 Synonyms for â€Å"Lie†10 Terms for the Common People

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Soccer and American Football Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Soccer and American Football - Essay Example Football now reflects the basic, underlying cultural dynamics of contemporary America. Football is urban, it uses "educated" players, it is complex, specialized, violent and sexy. In football every second counts, as it does in America, where "time is money." These changes line up with the values people find in football. Baseball became irrelevant. Soccer provides people with an opportunity to let off steam, to get rid of tensions, to have pleasure. Thesis Soccer and the American football have many similarities in main rules and traditions which make both of them very popular among youth. Both soccer and American football are favorite games of millions of people which bring satisfaction and raises team spirit. Like American football, soccer is an organized game that has become institutionalized. Soccer and American football are amazing: energetic and vigorous games. Soccer and American football are based on competition between two teams which involve 11 players each. In both cases, the aim of the game is score. In soccer, t he main equipment is a ball and goals. The soccer and American football ball has two-toned, black and white, markings. Thus, American football is ruled by six-tackle rule while soccer is subjected to the Laws of the Games. At the beginning of the game, players kick off a coin. During this time, all players are on their own side of the field. The traditional shape of the field is about 100 yards in length and 50 yards wide. A field for American football has 360 by 160 feet There are boundary lines surround the field considered part of the filed. Th is differed from not taking the game seriously, in that it involved, not a transformation of the game itself, but rather an alternative to the game that was defined as providing greater enjoyment than what would have otherwise occurred. Soccer game lasts for 90 minutes. Also, American football has four 15 minutes quarters (Goldblatt 76). In soccer and American football, players pay the main attention to team strategy and the configuration of players around the point of action. Usually, players try to concentrate upon the position of attackers in relation to the defense and overall the success of each attacks. Each time the cross occurred, a player crossed the area in front the defense. During this game, the important step is possession of the ball which switches back and forth between the teams. I a team several times lost possession when they made a bad pass, sent the ball out of bounds. When possession of the ball changed from a team to the other, the attacking team became the defense, and a team became the offense. Because this happens very frequently during a game, it is important for team to make the transition quickly. Players of both teams wear uniforms. Still, American football has special numbers for all positions, so it is easy to understand the role of each player: e.g. 1-9 are used for quarterbacks, kicke rs, and punters (MacCambridge 87). The end of the game is usually vigorous marked by competition and desire to win. Furthermore, soccer almost invariably involved competition;

Friday, November 1, 2019

Industrial Organization of Hot Rolled Steels Industry in India Research Paper

Industrial Organization of Hot Rolled Steels Industry in India - Research Paper Example The present research has identified that hot roll steel is in high demand all over the world and even the country’s growth is measured in terms of its production of steel, therefore components in this hot roll industry including the user demand, production, rate of growth, is always showing a positive trend. As per elasticity of demand, the hot roll steel industry in India is quite stable. Economies of scale, is one of the important reason for success of a firm in hot roll steel industry of India, the larger giants share more market. Raw materials are also one of the important factors in this industry. Steel billets are the major raw material along with other supporting raw materials. Mostly successful hot roll firms have their own production of steel billets, in order to avoid production delays and transportation costs. Hot roll steel product is an outcome of a metal rolling process that happens above the re-crystallization temperature of the metal. The raw material is typica lly big fragments of crude metal, for instance semi-finished casting items known as slabs, blooms, and billets. The metal billets or slabs are rolled from hot working rolls and the rollers produced a flat product that can be formed in coils as well as in hot rolled plates. There are two types of flat products resulting from a hot roll mill i.e. Plates or HR coils. More often plates are utilized directly. The HR coils (HRC) are utilized directly, but in addition to it, most of them are additively rolled and routed to manufacture products for example cold rolled sheets coils, galvanized or gal annealed sheets and coils, pipes etc.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Imagine you are the advisor to the Secretary General of OPEC. You are Essay

Imagine you are the advisor to the Secretary General of OPEC. You are asked to assess the ability of OPEC to manage the price of - Essay Example These members supply around 40% of the world’s oil (USA Congressional Record, 2007). Law of Supply and Demand (Mankiw, 2008) OPEC’s economic goal is to control production in order to raise the price of oil and eventually increase the generation of its members’ substantial profit. In a free market, the supply and demand tend to push the price at the level in which quantity supplied and quantity demanded are equal (Baumol and Blinder, 2008). Based on this law, it can be pictured out that when the supply of a normal good is low but its demand is higher, it substantially results to price increase. Thus, OPEC is on the right track of controlling production in order to maximise the oil resources of its members. In fact, it has a significant power to control the entire market considering that 70% of world oil reserve belongs to the cartel. Furthermore, OPEC targets to supply only 40% of the world’s oil consumption. This means that it has created influence on the world’s oil supply provided that the demand is higher and even reaching to an upward spiral due to rising economies. Oil is the lifeblood of the modern economy (Navarro, 2008). This means that every economy, developing or even highly developed will tend to maximise resources and even operations, but this cannot be addressed efficiently without relying heavily on oil supply. For instance, oil has become the very reason for every business to operate. From production, down to transportation and inside every household, oil is gaining a wide range of importance, function and economic role. Thus, oil is considered as a normal good and becomes the basic commodity in the world. Oil therefore has created a specific level of demand depending on a certain economy’s requirements in order to sustain and enhance its development and growth. However, from 1972 to 2008, it is noted that OPEC has been ineffective at maintaining cooperation among its members due to issues concerning rest riction of production (Mankiw, 2008). Mankiw explained that members were tempted to cheat their productions just to gain more profit advantage. As a result to this, the increase of oil price was never been successful on restricting production, but because of the increase in demand of worldwide consumption. As shown in Table 1, the price of oil per barrel increases over time. However, this increase was pointed out as barely influenced by OPEC’s success in restricting its production, but due to increase in market demand for the said commodity (Mankiw, 2008). In the mid-1980s OPEC members were having misunderstanding regarding on the regulatory issues of production. As a result, the production increased beyond the controllable limit as specified by OPEC. As the production of oil in the world market increased, there was more supply available leading to the decrease in price. Such decrease in price was clearly due to availability of supply, but what seems to be obvious was the des ire of some OPEC members to gain productive output from their oil resource. In 2007 to 2008, the price of oil substantially was higher. However, it was due to the increase of demand in the world oil market as there was an increasing number of emerging economies such as China (Mankiw, 2008). Table 1. History of oil price as influenced by OPEC regulation of production (Mankiw, 2008) Year Price per barrel 1972 $3 1974 $11 1981 $35 1986 $13 Income and substitution effect The positive income effect states that when the price of normal good decreases it leads to

Monday, October 28, 2019

Spring 2012 WOU Dance Concert Essay Example for Free

Spring 2012 WOU Dance Concert Essay Attending the Spring Dance concert was a fun learning experience. I am glad that this was a required assignment for this dance class because if it was not required I am sure I would not have attended . The variety of dances have taught me different things, and one of them is that you do not have to do complex moves in order to dance. The dance I have decided to write about is Voicing Acceptance choreographed my Nancy Sorensen. There are many reasons why I have chosen to do my paper on this specific dance. I will discuss how the sound or movement, lighting,movement and females/males contribute to the overall success of the dance piece. First, I will discuss the message of the dance piece and how the sound/music contribute to the achievement of dance piece . The dance was about students expressing their feelings towards dance. Each of them did a recording of them speaking and that recording was played at the While the recording was playing the student was dancing. I like the sound and music because it supported the dance. The dance just as the music and sound was soft and emotional. The students were really good at expressing the music and what they feel with facial expressions. For example some of them were smiling and some were serious. The dance piece supports the title because hey are voicing their personal opinion on why they are attracted to dance.As the sound was playindg there was a pattern I saw which was that every student would dance as their recording was playing. The lighting on stage made this dance piece be even better. The lighting during the dance was great. When everyone was dancing the light was constant. But, when a particular student was dancing they would use a spot light on him or her. I really liked the idea of putting a spot light on each student when their recording was playing, because we as the could identify the student. While the student was dancing the lights were pointed towards him/her. Their dancing was both imaginative and communicative. I think that it was imaginative because you hadhave to imagine what each movement was about, while at the same time was communicative, because they were telling the audience what they felt and they were also communicating through body language. For example, when a student was dancing he used his arms and it went well with the sound and music. The movement of their hands was soft and it was slow just like the music. The idea of incorporating females and males into the dance helped this dance piece be great. In the recording a student said that many people stereotype dance. They said that dance is only for females, but Voicing Acceptance proved that this is wrong, anyone can dance. Having females and males gave the dancers the opportunity to have a partner and together they were able to express what they felt. In conclusion, definitively my favorite dance was voicing acceptance by Nancy Sorensen. throughtout my paper I have explained why I think how the sound or movement, lighting,movement and females/males contribute to the overall success of the dance piece. Overall the dance concert was great. I got the opportunity to enjoy different types of dances. This dance made me really emotional. I loved the way each student expressed themselves; I was almost going to cry. I believe that one of the purposes of this dance was to get in the audiences heart and it really did.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Monkey’s Paw by W. W. Jacobs, The Clubfooted Grocer by Sir Arthur E

The Monkey’s Paw by W. W. Jacobs, The Clubfooted Grocer by Sir Arthur Canon Doyle, The Red Room by H. G. Wells and The Signalman by Charles Dickens Analyse how the writers successfully use aspects of the supernatural to create dramatic tension in the short stories you have read. The nineteenth century was an era of general belief in ghosts and spirituality. This is what made gothic stories even more appealing and successful during this era – the fact that they would be seen as being realistic. One major reason for the rise in spirituality during this era was the fact that many people had started to lose their Christian faith (mainly because the Church was unable to give an explanation as to why ghosts existed) and so they started to search for a new way of understanding and accepting death. I think that the Victorian’s enjoyed reading horror stories because they offer a challenge – to see whether the reader can figure out who the â€Å"ghost† or spectre represents and what they are doing. By involving the reader, the writers were able to keep them interested throughout the story. During the Victorian era, the short story became a very popular genre and ghost stories were well-liked with the readers. It was therefore very important for the authors to build tension and suspense to keep their readers interested. I will be studying: â€Å"The Monkey’s Paw† by W. W. Jacobs, â€Å"The Clubfooted Grocer† by Sir Arthur Canon Doyle, â€Å"The Red Room† by H. G. Wells and â€Å"The Signalman† by Charles Dickens. In this essay, I will be exploring the ways in which the writers use the supernatural to create dramatic tension in the above stories. â€Å"The Monkey’s Paw† is a short story by W. W. Jacobs, written in 1902. The title of a sto... ...cause there is a lot of mystery present throughout the story. The strangest thing is the fact that the Signalman himself is an educated man, yet he sees strange, unexplainable Apparitions which eventually lead to his death. Overall, I believe that these short stories are effective in entertaining the reader and keeping them interested throughout the story. The writers use many different techniques such as personification, metaphors, similes and imagery to create vivid images throughout the stories. The best technique used is when there are many questions which are left unanswered at the end of the story. This makes the readers create their own conclusions about the reasons as to why certain events occurred. Also, the use of the first person narrative is effective in ghost stories because they give a clear view of what happens and how the narrator feels.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Ethylene Propylene Diene Terpolymers Engineering Essay

INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVESEthylene-propylene-diene terpolymers ( EPDM ) have been widely used in industrial applications because of their first-class opposition against heat, ozone and weathering, every bit good as their unusual handiness of accepting high burden of fillers [ 1-3 ] . Support in the public presentations of gum elastic compounds, such as tensile strength, resiliency, wear opposition and flex opposition, can be achieved by lading the compounds with particulate fillers. Different classs of C black are the well-known conventional fillers used in EPDM gum elastics compounds [ 4 ] . Increasingly, mineral fillers like silicon oxide and clay have attracted more attending as they cost less and give less wellness jeopardies [ 4 ] . But due to the hapless silica-rubber bonding, the support by silicon oxide has non been to the full exploited [ 4, 5 ] . The handiness of silanised silicon oxide, which is normally obtained by pre-treating silicon oxide with Bi ( 3-triethoxysilylpro pyl ) tetrasulphane ( TESPT ) , a yoke agent, adheres silicon oxide to the gum elastic [ 6 ] . Furthermore, it is attractive that the sulphur-bearing bifunctional organosilane can besides assist to bring forth crosslinks between gum elastic ironss with the presence of gas pedals and activators at elevated temperatures, i.e. 140-240A °C [ 5-12 ] . The presence of TESPT improves the remedy procedure in silanised silica-filled EPDM gum elastics with other common vulcanizing systems. Though many research workers have made attempts to look into different remedy systems for EPDM gum elastics [ 3, 4, 13-17 ] , the inquiry on the efficiency of remedy systems for commercial production remains unfastened. That gives the aim of this undertaking which is as following: Using different remedy systems to crosslink silanised silica-filled EPDM gum elastic ; Assess efficiency of the remedy systems ; Choose the most efficient one for bring arounding the gum elastic. This literature reappraisal foremost introduces the basic background of EPDM gum elastic, including composing, chemical construction and corresponding belongingss and industrial applications in Section 2. Then a brief overview of the preparation of silanised silica-filled EPDM gum elastic compounds is given in Section 3, followed by the elaborate debut of recent plants on fillers and remedy systems for silanised silica-filled EPDM gum elastic in Sections 4, 5 and 6. Finally, the undertaking program will be discussed.BASIC BACKGROUND OF EPDM RUBBERTerpolymerisation of ethene, propene and a non-conjugated diene gives EPDM gum elastic with a concentrated ethylene-propylene anchor and unsaturation site in the side group, introduced by diene monomers [ 17 ] . Generally, ethene and propene monomers are the major constituents in an EPDM, supplying inherently first-class opposition against debasement by heat, visible radiation, O, and, in peculiar, ozone [ 18 ] . The little sum of non-conjug ated diene monomers place the reactive unsaturation sites available for sulphur vulcanization or polymer alteration chemical science, as the dienes are so structured that merely one of the dual bonds will polymerize [ 19 ] . Figure 1 EPDM ternonomers The three co-monomers used in industry are present in Figure 1. Each diene monomer incorporates with a different ability of triping long concatenation ramification or polymer side ironss, hence affect the processing and vulcanization procedure [ 20 ] . The most normally used termononer is ethylidene norborne ( ENB ) as it can integrate easier and has greater responsiveness with sulphur vulcanization [ 19 ] . The chemical construction of EPDM with ENB termonomer is illustrated as follows: Figure 2 Chemical construction of EPDM A general sum-up of belongingss of EPDM gum elastic is listed in Table 1 below. Table 1 Properties of EPDM gum elastics Polymer Properties Mooney Viscosity, ML ( 1+4, 125A °C ) 5 to 200 Ethylene Content ( wt. % ) 45 to 80 Diene Content ( wt. % ) 0 to 15 Specific Gravity ( gm/ml ) 0.855 to 0.88Vulcanisate PropertiesHardness ( Shore A Durometer ) 30 to 95 Tensile Strength ( MPa ) 7 to 21 Compaction Set B, ( % ) 20 to 60 Elongation ( % ) 100 to 600 Useful Temperature Range ( A °C ) -50 to +160 Tear Resistance Fair to Good Abrasion Resistance Good to Excellent Resilience Fair to Good Electrical Properties Excellent EPDM is the fastest turning man-made gum elastic having to its superior ozone and thermic opposition over other diene gum elastics and its burden of fillers and plasticizers to an highly high degree [ 18 ] . EPDM has found widespread applications in [ 18 ] : Automotive applications, such as seals, hosieries and profiles ; Construction applications, such as roof sheeting, profiles, and seals ; Electrical overseas telegrams and jacketing ; Moulded contraption parts ; besides is Blended with other gum elastics and thermoplastics.EPDM RUBBER FORMULATIONFillers for EPDM RubberDue to the non-crystallising nature of EPDM gum elastic, support is required for EPDM gum elastic, since the mechanical belongingss of the unfilled gum elastic are rather hapless. Carbon black is the most widely used filler for reenforcing EPDM gum elastics, but silicon oxide, clay, talc and some other mineral fillers are besides used [ 19 ] . Increasingly, more attending is being paid to silica [ 1, 2, 4, 15, 16, 21-25 ] . To accomplish full development of support by reenforcing fillers in EPDM gum elastics, C black and other fillers must be good dispersed. Good support can give EPDM gum elastics with high tensile strength, good tear opposition and improved scratch opposition. Furthermore, a well-mixed batch besides improves the processability for bulge, calendaring and modeling [ 19 ] . The reenforcing fillers and their effects on EPDM gum elastics will be discussed in item in Sections 4 and 5.Remedy Systems for EPDM RubberAs mentioned before, the incorporation of unsaturation sites allows the sulfur vulcanising of EPDM rubber. Sulphur remedy is the most widely used method, busying about 80 % of EPDM applications [ 17 ] . EPDM gum elastic can besides be vulcanised in a peroxide remedy system. Rubber vulcanised by sulfur remedy system can suit more emphasis and exhibit higher elongation at interruption, while the advantage of peroxide remedy over sulphur remedy is the formation of thermo-stable carbon-carbon bonds alternatively of thermo-labile sulphur-sulphur bonds, as the dissociation temperature and energy of sulphur-sulphur bonds is lower than that of carbon-carbon bonds [ 17, 26 ] . Hence higher effectivity of heat opposition of EPDM gum elastic can be obtained by peroxide remedy systems. The treatment of remedy systems for EPDM gum elastics will be unwrapped in Section 6.Other AdditivesOther normally used additives in EPDM rubber compounds are plasticizers, s ofteners and treating AIDSs. Naphthenic oils have been the most widely used plasticizers as they have the best compatibility with EPDM gum elastic and lowest cost. Paraffinic oils are normally used for elevated-temperature applications or in colored compounds due to the lower volatility and higher UV stableness. Stearic acid, Zn stearic and other internal lubricators are frequently used as processing AIDSs in EPDM rubber compounds. The presence of tackifier or non is dependent on if there is a demand for presenting tack as EPDM gum elastic compounds are inherently non tacky [ 19 ] . Different preparations of EPDM rubber compounds consequence in a assortment of applications. A typical formula for C black-filled EPDM gum elastic for sheeting application is shown in Table 2 below. Tiwari and colleagues [ 27 ] studied consequence of different interventions of silicon oxide on silica-filled EPDM gum elastic belongingss and the basic preparation for silanised silica-filled gum elastic is given in Table 3. Table 2 Typical formula for C black-filled EPDM sheeting [ 19 ] Components Amount ( phr ) EPDM A 100 N – 347 black 120 Talc 30 PARAFFINIC oil type 103B 95 Zinc oxide 5 Stearic acid 1 MBTS 2.2 TMTD 0.65 TETD 0.65 Sulfur 0.75 Table 3 Basic preparation for silanised silica-filled individual EPDM gum elastic Components Amount ( phr ) EPDM 100 Silica 50 ZnO 5 Stearic acid 2.0 Silane ( TESPT ) 4 Sulfur 1.04 N-cyclohexylbenzothiazole-2- sulphonamide ( CBS ) 1.5 Tetramethylthiuram disulphide ( TMTD ) 0.8 Zinc dibenzyldithiocarbamate ( ZBEC ) 1.5Fillers USED IN EPDM RUBBERCarbon Black: A Conventional FillerCarbon inkinesss are the most widely used reenforcing fillers in gum elastic industry since the find of their effectivity of bettering the physical and mechanical belongingss of natural elastomers in 1904 [ 12 ] . Different classs of C black have been used in EPDM gum elastics for industrial applications, such as roof sheeting and automotive profiles and many research workers have studied about the mechanical behavior of C black reinforced EPDM gum elastics. Ghosh and Chakrabarti [ 28 ] reported effects of different sums of C inkinesss on the physical and mechanical belongingss, ageing behavior and conduction of EPDM rubber compounds and the rheological behavior of EPDM gum elastic in bulge processing. Osanaiye [ 29 ] used sinusoidal shear flows to analyze the effects of C black, temperature and shear frequence on dynamic mechanical belongingss of EPDM rubber compounds. The effects of different sums of carry oning C black filler on thaw rheology and relaxation behavior of healing free EPDM gum elastic by cone home base viscosimeter was reported by Ghosh and Chakrabarti [ 30 ] . Abd-El Salam and colleagues [ 31 ] used inactive and dynamic analysis to analyze consequence of different vulcanizing systems on the mechanical belongingss of butyl rubber/ EPDM general furnace black. Cavdar, S. et al [ 3 ] reported a comparative survey on mechanical, thermic, viscoelastic and rheological belongingss of cured C black filled EPDM gum elastic. There are many more illustrations of research on other facets of C black reinforced EPDM gum elastics. For illustration, conductive gum elastics have been made by adding conductive C inkinesss into EPDM and its blends by Das, N. C. et Al [ 32 ] . The electrical and mechanical belongingss have been studied.Silica: A Novel FillerRecently, man-made silicon oxide is going more popular as reenforcing filler in EPDM gum elastics because they have proved to be every bit effectual as C inkinesss [ 12 ] . Furthermore, silica offers several advantages over C black: in tyre paces, a higher wear opposition and better wet-grip with a lower turn overing opposition can be obtained by utilizing silicon oxide instead than carbon black [ 1 ] . Besides, silica-filled compounds are really suited for light coloring material applications.Problem and TreatmentsThe support of silicon oxide in EPDM gum elastic has non reached the coveted degree because of the hapless silica-EPDM bonding. The surfaces of sili con oxides have siloxane and silanol groups, which make the filler acidic and polar [ 7 ] while EPDM gum elastic is non-polar. When the polar silicon oxide is assorted with non-polar and olefinic hydrocarbon gum elastics, e.g. EPDM, hydrogen-bond interactions between polar siloxane or silanol groups in agglomerates are more likely to happen than the interactions between silicon oxide and rubber [ 1 ] , ensuing in hapless compatibility of hydrocarbon gum elastics with silicon oxide. Furthermore, the acidic silanol groups interact with the basic gas pedals, spread outing the remedy times to an unacceptable degree and take downing the crosslinking denseness [ 5 ] . The polar surface of silicon oxide will besides be given to absorb wet and this influences remedy and belongingss of the cured gum elastic [ 5 ] . Additionally, the viscousness increases with increasing sum of silicon oxide filler and if the viscousness is excessively high, the processability will be reduced and inordinate w ear and tear of the processing machine will take topographic point [ 5 ] . However, the handiness of specific matching agents makes the usage of silicon oxide in EPDM rubber compounds possible. Bifunctional organosilanes are normally used to better the compatibility between silicon oxide and hydrocarbon gum elastics by modifying the surfaces of silicon oxide [ 1 ] .Silanes and Silanised SilicaBifunctional silanes can be used to chemically associate an organic stuff to an inorganic substrate. The rule purpose of utilizing silanes to respond with silica involves cut downing ablating hydrophilicity of silicon oxide and presenting a new organo – functional groups onto the silicon oxide surfaces [ 1 ] . In the instance of sulphur-cured compounds, sulphur-functional silanes perform best and for peroxide-cured compounds, unsaturated silanes such as vinylsilanes are recommended. In footings of sulphur-cure systems, the usage of Bi ( 3-triethoxysilylpropyl- ) tetrasulphane ( TESPT ) ( Figure 3 ) as a yoke agent is good established, since foremost introduced in 1991 in a practical application in green tyres by Rauline [ 33 ] .. Figure 3 Chemical construction of TESPT TESPT possesses ethoxy groups and tetrasulphane groups. The ethoxy groups react with silanol groups on the silicon oxide surfaces via hydrolysis mechanism [ 33 ] , taking to the strong covalent silica-filler bonding. The tetrasulphane groups are no-good reactive and therefore stable rubber-silica bonding can be achieved via sulfur crosslinking. Bis ( 3-triethoxysilylpropyl ) -disulphane ( TESPD ) was subsequently introduced chiefly to get the better of the pro-scorching job of TESPT, as the sulphur-sulphur dissociation energy of TESPD was lower than that of TESPT [ 33 ] . The silanisation of silicon oxides are normally obtained by two attacks. Silica and silanes are assorted preliminarily at an optimal temperature and reaction clip, or, instead, they can be mixed in situ during the commixture procedure [ 5 ] . The latter is the more normally used method [ 34 ] . A good silanisation is required as it yields best support and reduces compound indurating during storage. A certain sum of H2O can speed up the silanisation. The optimum wet content is suggested to be around 3-6 % [ 34 ] . The chief influences on the in situ silanisation of silica-silane filled compounds are summarised in Figure 4. Furthermore, if silicon oxide is used in a blend with, e.g. , C black, relatively more silane is required as silane is less likely to make the silica surface quantitatively in a given commixture clip [ 34 ] . In these instances, silanised silicon oxide obtained by the pre-treatment is advisable. Optimum silanisation And Short commixture times Release of ethyl alcohol T a† Ã¢â‚¬Ëœand T a† Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ Release of ethyl alcohol Ta† Ã¢â‚¬Ëœand ta† Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ Good silicon oxide scattering I ·a† Ã¢â‚¬Ëœas Ta† Ã¢â‚¬Å" Complete matching reaction Ta† Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ and T a† Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ Avoid pre-crosslinking T a† Ã¢â‚¬Å" and T a† Ã¢â‚¬Å" Fast transit procedures I ·a† Ã¢â‚¬Å"as T a† Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ High mobility of the silane ; little size Best rotor and blending chamber geometry Figure 4 chief influences on the silanisation reaction [ 34 ] Apart from sulphur vulcanization, the add-on of vinylsilanes is normally applied to better the mechanical belongingss of peroxide-cured compounds. The general construction of vinylsilanes is shown in Figure 5. Figure 5 generalized construction of vinylsilanes In contrast to the reasonably high dose of sulphur-functional silanes in merchandises necessitating high mechanical belongingss, a strong support can be achieved by the incorporation of merely 2 parts by weight Si 225 ( VTEO ) per silicon oxide [ 34 ] . Adding more extremist instigator or activators can ensue in higher crosslink densenesss [ 34 ] . However, the applications of silanised silicon oxide are largely focused in natural gum elastic ( NR ) , styrene butadiene gum elastic ( SBR ) , and polybutadiene gum elastic ( BR ) . Very few research works has been published on the effects of silane on EPDM gum elastics, but there are still some. Kim [ 33 ] reported consequence of TESPD on the processability and mechanical belongingss of EPDM rubber. Taikum and Luginsland [ 16 ] studied the function of silane-rubber yoke in sulfur, peroxide and metal oxide bring arounding systems for EPDM gum elastic. Das et al [ 4 ] showed that the presence of TEPST increased the content of bound gum elastic in silica-filled EPDM compounds, which was critical to the mechanical belongingss of the gum elastic.Other TreatmentsOther matching agents Besides silane, several other matching agents have been employed to modify the silica-EPDM bonding. Das et al [ 4 ] usage Bi diisopropyl thiophosphoryl disuli ¬?de ( DIPDIS ) , to modify EPDM rubber alternatively of silicon oxide by two-stage vulcanization technique. The effects of TAC ( Triallyl Cyanorate ) as a yoke agent on hardening and mechanical belongingss of silica-filled EPDM gum elastic were studied by Abtahi and associates [ 1 ] . Others methods Tiwari et al [ 23 ] treated the surfaces of silicon oxide by plasma-polymerisation with acetylene monomer and one twelvemonth subsequently, the comparative survey of plasma-thiophene and -acetylene coated silicon oxide in EPDM support was reported [ 27 ] . Tan and Isayev [ 22 ] treated silicon oxide utilizing a coaxal supersonic extruder and investigated the effects on belongingss of ultrasound-treated silicon oxide on filled EPDM gum elastic.Other fillersIn most instances, C black and silicon oxide are used to reenforce EPDM gum elastics. Some other sorts of fillers have been added to EPDM rubber matrix and their effects been investigated, affecting montmorillonite ( OMMT ) nanofiller [ 35 ] , nano-zinc oxide [ 36 ] , Sm2O3 [ 26 ] , short cyanuramide fibers [ 37 ] , ash/halloysite [ 38 ] and so on.Effects OF FILLERS ON PROPERTIES OF EPDM RUBBEREffectss of Carbon BlackAs mentioned before, research workers have studied a batch about the effects of adding C black on the mechanical belo ngingss of EPDM rubber, demoing that the belongingss were improved significantly [ 3, 28-32 ] . Cavdar and associates [ 3 ] reported that the Young ‘s modulus, Shore A hardness, and compaction force over distortion ranage increased with increasing content of C black, while the elongation at interruption reduced ( Figure 6 ) . Figure 6 Effectss of C black content on ( a ) mechanical belongingss ; and ( B ) rheological belongingss of EPDM rubber [ 3 ] . The Young ‘s modulus was most filler content medium as the value increased aggressively with sum of C black. In footings of rheological belongingss, increasing C black content resulted in higher upper limit torsion and the difference between upper limit and minimal torsion, which corresponded to relative crosslinking denseness. The optimal remedy clip decreased with increasing the filler content. Considerable research has been done to understand the mechanism of support. Two chief features of active inkinesss are their surface country and sum construction, which determine the inactive and dynamic in-rubber belongingss and therefore do it possible to orient the public presentation of gum elastic merchandises.Effectss of SilicaEffectss of silicon oxide on the mechanical belongingss of EPDM gum elasticWithout silanes The effectivity of silicon oxide as reenforcing filler in EPDM gum elastic was confirmed by Ichzo and colleagues [ 2 ] who showed that tensile strength had improved by 500 % , tear strength by 400 % and elongation at interruption at 140 % by adding 20 phr of precipitated silicon oxide. They used silicon oxide with different size and demonstrated that an increasing inclination of tensile strength can be achieved when the size of silica atom decreased. The hardness of EPDM gum elastic increased with the filler burden but it was non particle size dependant. They besides found that silicon oxide sums size distribution affected the mechanical belongingss and it deserved more attending. With silanes Das [ 4 ] indicated that the Young ‘s modulus, tensile strength and crosslinking value of silica-filled EPDM gum elastics increased well when 1-2 phr of TESPT was added, while the elongation at interruption decreased, as illustrated in Figure 7 below. ( B ) ( a ) ( vitamin D ) ( degree Celsius ) ( degree Fahrenheit ) ( vitamin E ) Figure 7 Consequence of TESPT on the mechanical belongingss of EPDM rubber compounds: ( a ) modulus at 100 % elongation ; ( B ) modulus at 300 % elongation ; ( degree Celsius ) tensile strength ; ( vitamin D ) hardness ; ( vitamin E ) elongation at interruption ; ( degree Fahrenheit ) crosslinking value [ 4 ] .Consequence of silicon oxide on treating belongings of EPDM gum elasticAs mentioned earlier, adding silicon oxide to EPDM gum elastic will do the processing more hard as the viscousness increases significantly when a large sum of silicon oxide is involved [ 5 ] . However, the handiness of silanes such as TESPT or TESPD weaken the interaction between silica atoms as the ethoxy groups in silane react with the surfaces of silicon oxide by the silanol groups, taking to a alteration in interfaces between the polymer-polymer, polymer-silica and silica-silica [ 33 ] . Hence, it reduces the viscousness and improves the processability of the gum elastic compounds [ 5 ] . Kim [ 33 ] reported that the add-on of TESPD to silica-filled EPDM gum elastic yielded lower Mooney viscousness, heat coevals and bulge force per unit area build-up through an extruder, which made treating easier.Effectss of silicon oxide on thermic belongings of EPDM gum elasticMadani [ 39 ] studied the thermic belongings of gamma radiation cured silica-filled EPDM via thermohydrometric analysis ( TGA ) and demonstrated that the presence of silicon oxide reduced the rate of debasement and the weight loss of vulcanisates. This was due to the improved adhesion between silicon oxide and EPDM rubber matrix. He besides stated that thermic belongings of silica-filled EPDM gum elastic was determined by the burden of filler, filler size and construction, filler-matrix interactions and processing technique.Consequence of silicon oxide on the ageing belongings of EPDM gum elasticAirplanes et al [ 15, 40 ] used gamma radiation to age unfilled and filled EPDM gum elastics at room temperature and at 80A °C to analyze the influence of silicon oxide on the gum elastic debasement. They evidenced that adding untreated silicon oxide accelerated the polymer stage debasement due to the formation of auxiliary groups triggered by silica irradiation. If silane-treated silicon oxide was presented, the debasement acceleration was delayed.Effectss of silicon oxide on the electrical belongings of EPDM gum elasticRaw EPDM gum elastic is an dielectric with a conduction of about 10-14 S-1 [ 39 ] . It was proved that the add-on of inorganic fillers such as silicon oxide increased the condu ction of polymer [ 39 ] . Madani [ 39 ] investigated the fluctuation of dielectric changeless ( ) of some healed EPDM and silica-filled EPDM gum elastics as a map of frequence and found that was filler content dependant: it increased up to 10 phr, and so decreased with increasing burden. He pointed that the addition was due to the polar groups present on silicon oxide surfaces, and that the lessening was due to the increasing system denseness and the extent of orientation of dipoles.Effectss of scattering of silicon oxide on the belongingss of EPDM gum elasticFiller scattering has a distinguishable consequence on the belongingss of gum elastic compounds. Poor scattering has a negative consequence on gum elastic belongingss by making structural defects [ 5 ] . Polmanteer and Lentz [ 41 ] demonstrated that some belongingss such as tensile strength and tear strength improved as the filler scattering quality increased after they examined consequence of scattering of silicon oxide on the belongingss of some sulphur-cured gum elastics. To obtain a better scattering of fillers in gum elastic compounds, increasing commixture clip is an efficient method, nevertheless, at the cost of take downing the molecular weight of polymer, which leads to the decrease in mechanical belongingss [ 5 ] . The grade of scattering of filler can be examined by microscopy methods, such as negatron microscopy and atomic force microscopy.CURE SYSTEMS FOR EPDM RUBBERSulphur Cure systemsEvery gum elastic merchandise is vulcanised with its ain specific remedy system, ensuing in assorted belongingss. As already mentioned, the incorporation of pendent unsaturation sites enables that EPDM rubber to be vulcanised by sulphur plus gas pedals. Sulphur remedy is the most widely used vulcanising method for bring arounding EPDM gum elastics, representing about 80 % of the EPDM applications [ 17 ] . Compared with peroxide-cured EPDM gum elastics, sulphur-cured gum elastic compounds are able to suit more e mphasis and exhibit higher elongation at interruption. Basically, three types of sulfur crosslinks are used in elastomers, viz. , monosuphfidic ( C-S-C ) , disulphidic ( C-S2-C ) and polysuphidic ( C-Sn-C ) . The crosslink denseness and the value of Ns are chiefly determined by vulcanizing system and procedure conditions such as remedy temperature and clip. Over the old ages three particular types of remedy systems have been established based on the degree of sulfur and the ratio of accelerator-to-sulphur applied. They are: Efficient vulcanization ( EV ) systems, Semi-efficient vulcanization ( SEV ) systems and Conventional vulcanization ( CONV ) systems. EV systems are characterised by a high ratio of accelerator-to-sulphur or even sulphurless, but incorporating sulphur-donor alternatively. They are normally used in vulcanisates which require an highly high heat and reversion opposition [ 42 ] . CONV systems are vulcanisation systems with a low ratio of gas pedals to sulfur and they can supply better flex and dynamic belongingss but worse thermal and reversion opposition. A semi-efficient remedy system has an accelerator-to-sulphur ratio in between those of the CONV and EV vulcanization systems. For SEV systems, optimal degrees of mechanical and dynamic belongingss of vulcanisates with intermediate heat, reversion and flex belongingss can be obtained [ 42 ] . The composings of CONV, SEV and EV systems are shown in Table 4. Table 4 the degrees of gas pedals and sulfur in CONV, SEV and EV systems [ 42 ] Type Sulphur ( phr ) Accelerator ( phr ) A/S ratio CONV 2.0-3.5 1.2-0.4 0.1-0.6 SEV 1.0-1.7 2.5-1.2 0.7-2.5 Electron volt 0.4-0.8 5.0-2.0 2.5-12 Increasing accelerator-to-sulphur ratio consequences in increased sum of shorter mono- and disulphidic crosslinks. As the dissociation energy of C-C bonds are larger than that of S-S bonds. Vulcanisates obtained by EV and SEV systems possess a better heat and reversion opposition than those cured by CONV systems. The general influences of the type of vulcanization systems on the construction and belongingss of the vulcanisates are summarised in Table 5. Table 5 vulcanisate construction and belongingss for different remedy systems Features Remedy systems CONV SEV Electron volt Poly-and disulphidic crosslinks ( % ) 95 50 20 Monosulphidic crosslinks ( % ) 5 50 80 Cyclic sulfide ( conc. ) High Medium Low Non-sulphidic ( conc. ) High Medium Low Reversion opposition Low Medium High Heat ageing opposition Low Medium High Fatigue opposition High Medium Low Heat construct up High Medium Low Tear opposition High Medium Low Compaction set ( % ) High Medium Low Furthermore, nitrosamine free or safe hardening bundles were developed for the replacing of remedy systems which develop nitrosamines during vulcanization. N-nitrosamines formed during vulcanization as condensation merchandises from certain gas pedals and azotic gasses and are carcinogenic [ 43 ] . They are generated from some thiuram and dithiocarbamates gas pedals, which are known as ultra-accelerators and normally used in EPDM gum elastic intensifying [ 43 ] . Traditional ultra-accelerators can be replaced by nitrosamine-free systems, but at disbursal of high costs. About all imaginable combination of bring arounding ingredients for EPDM rubber compounds have been evaluated over the old ages [ 42 ] . Five typical remedy systems are listed in Table 6. The alternate nitrosamine free or safe remedy systems are suggested in Table 7. Table 6 Five remedy systems for EPDM rubber [ 42 ] Systems ( phr ) Advantages Disadvantages System 1 Low cost Blooming S 1.5 TMTD 1.5 2-mercaptobenzothiazole ( MBT ) 0.5 System 2 Excellent physical belongingss and fast remedy Scorchy and expensive S 2.0 MBT 1.5 Tellurium diethyl dithiocarbamate ( TDEC ) 0.8 Dipentamethyl thiuram tetrasulphide ( DPTT ) 0.8 TMTD 0.8 System 3 Excellent compaction set and good heat ageing opposition Bloom and really high cost S 0.5 Zinc dibutyldithiocarbamate ( ZDBC ) 3.0 Zinc dimethyldithiocarbamate ( ZDMC ) 3.0 4,4'dithiodimorpholine ( DTDM ) 2.0 TMTD 3.0 System 4 Non-blooming Cure comparatively slow and worse compaction set S 2.0 2,2†²-dithiobenzothiaole ( MBTS ) ZDBC 2.5 TMTD 0.8 System 5 Zinc O, O-dibutylphosphorodithioate ( ZBPD ) 2.0 TMTD 1.0 N-butylbenzothiazole-2-sulfenamide ( TBBS ) 2.0 S 1.0 Fast remedy and good physical belongingss Blooming Table 7 Some NA free options for the remedy systems above [ 42 ] Systems NA free optionsSystem 1S 1.5 S 1.3 MBT 0.5 MBT 0.75 TMTD 1.5 CBS 3.8System 2S 2.0 S 1.5 MBT 1.5 ZMBT 2.0 TDEC 0.8 ZBEC 0.5 DPTT 0.8 ZBPD 2.0System 5ZBPD 2.0 ZBPD 2.5 TMTD 1.0 0 TBBS 2.0 TBBS 2.0 S 1.0 S 1.2 Besides, an activator, such as Zn oxide, is normally needed in EPDM remedy systems to maximize the efficiency of gas pedals and chemical adhesion between the filler and gum elastic.Silanised Silica: a â€Å" Crosslinking Filler †An of import issue must be considered sing the sulphur remedy systems for silanised silica-filled EPDM gum elastic is the fact that the usage of sulphur-functional silanes such as TESPT combine silicon oxide with sulfur into one individual merchandise known as a â€Å" crosslinking filler † [ 6 ] , such as silanised silicon oxide. It can non merely better the mechanical belongingss of gum elastic, but besides can bring forth crosslinks between the gum elastic ironss at elevated temperatures in the presence of gas pedals due to the sulphur-containing groups. Therefore, the vulcanization procedure can be achieved without elemental sulfur being present [ 6 ] . Research has shown that the mechanical belongingss of some vulcanisates improved signific antly in malice of the decrease in the usage of the hardening chemicals [ 6 ] . It was demonstrated that during the vulcanization procedure the formation of both rubber matrix crosslinking web and silica-rubber yoke web occurred at the same time and did non separate. In the presence of elemental sulfur, the two different crosslinking reactions compete for the added sulfur as the sulphur-functional silanes like TESPT are sulphur acceptor [ 34 ] . Therefore the crosslinking construction and the support are determined by the sums of silane and sulfur. The influence of adding different sums of sulfur and silane on the matrix and silica-rubber yoke webs is shown in Figure 8. Figure 8 consequence of the sum of ( a ) added sulfur and ( B ) silane ( TSEPT ) on the crosslinking densenesss of matrix and silica-rubber yoke [ 34 ] It is apparent that increased sum of sulfur enhances the efficiency of the silica-rubber yoke until all the silane is activated. Initially, a little grade of addition in the matrix crosslink denseness is observed, due to the ingestion of free sulfur by the activation of silane. After the full activation of silane, the matrix crosslink denseness additions much faster. With regard to the increasing sum of silane at a changeless sum of sulfur, the entire figure of silica-rubber bonds additions while the degree of the matrix crosslink denseness reduces, owing to the incorporation of sulfur by the silane [ 34 ] . Furthermore, in the instance of TESPD, a disulphide silane, the consequence is more important. Therefore it can be concluded that altering the sum of elemental sulfur and silane consequences in different ratios of the matrix and silica-rubber webs [ 34 ] . Furthermore, mechanical belongingss of silanised silica-filled gum elastic can be predicted because silica-rubber yoke domina tes the modulus and hydrophobation lowers hardness values. Some elaborate effects of silane on the mechanical public presentation of silica-filled EPDM gum elastic have been presented in Section 5.2.1.Peroxide Cure systemsOverviewCrosslinking with peroxides was foremost introduced in 1915, but did n't pull excessively much attending until the development of to the full saturated ethylene-propylene copolymers ( EPM ) [ 42 ] . Many sorts of elastomers can be vulcanised by peroxide remedy systems expeditiously, including NR, SBR, EPDM, BR, nitrile gum elastic, Silicones and fluorocarbon elastomers [ 42 ] . The unsaturation can better the efficiency of peroxide vulcanization [ 17 ] , due to the higher concentration of allylic Hs [ 42 ] . The comparative efficiency of peroxide crosslinking for different elastomers is: BR & gt ; NR and SBR & gt ; NBR & gt ; CR & gt ; EPDM The advantages and disadvantages of peroxide remedy compared to sulfur vulcanization are listed in Table 8 [ 42 ] : Table 8 Advantages and disadvantage of peroxide remedy compared with sulphur remedy Advantages Disadvantages Thermo-stable C-C bonds alternatively of thermo-labile S-S bonds, Scorch free storage of compounds, Simple compound preparation, Low compaction set even at high remedy temperature, It is possible to bring around at high temperatures without reversion, Good electrical belongingss of healed gum elastic, No stain of compounds. Low intensifying flexibleness ; Lack of flexibleness in modulating singe and optimal remedy clip Inferior tensile, tear and flex public presentation, Inferior scratch opposition Higher cost, Sensitivity to oxygen during vulcanization, Smells of peroxide decomposition merchandises.Peroxide remedy of EPDMPeroxide-cured EPDM gum elastics are being widely used for many old ages. They are normally used in window seals, automotive hosieries, roof sheeting, tanking liner, electrical insularities, steam hosieries, roll coverings moldings and so on [ 42 ] .Mechanism of peroxide remedy of EPDM gum elasticThe mechanism of peroxide remedy of EPDM gum elastic and the subsequent practical effects have been reviewed by new wave Duin and colleagues [ 17, 44, 45 ] . In the by and large accepted mechanism of peroxide remedy of EPDM, the major stairss are illustrated in Figure 9. Figure 9 Mechanism for peroxide remedy of EPDM [ 17, 44, 45 ] Thermal debasement of the peroxide initiated by procedure triggered a concatenation of free-radical reactions, taking to the formation of primary alkoxy ( ROaˆ? ) or secondary alkyl groups ( Raˆ? ) . Then the abstraction of H-atoms from the EPDM polymer outputs EPDM macro-radicals ( EPDMaˆ? ) . The following measure is the combination of two EPDM macro-radicals, or the incorporation of a macro-radical to an EPDM unsaturation. If a yoke agent, such as vinylsilanes mentioned in Section ( TAC, trimethylolpropane or m-phenylenbis ( maleimide ) ) , is present, the peroxide remedy efficiency can be increased, as they can heighten the H-atoms abstraction and the undermentioned reactions are repressed [ 1, 17 ] : EPDMaˆ? + ROaˆ? a† Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ EPDM – RO ( No crosslinking ) EPDMaˆ? a† Ã¢â‚¬â„¢EPDMaˆ? ‘ + ( I?-Scission ) The issues of the elaborate mechanism of peroxide vulcanization of EPDM gum elastic remain unfastened, chiefly having to the complexness of the system. Several surveies have been conducted to see farther apprehension of the chemical mechanism of peroxide remedy of EPDM [ 46, 47 ] .Matching agents for peroxide remedy of silica-filled EPDM gum elasticAs antecedently stated, vinylsilanes are normally incorporated in peroxide remedy systems for silica-filled EPDM gum elastic to better vulcanization efficiency and mechanical public presentation of vulcanisates. The effectivity of TAC as a yoke agent for peroxide vulcanization of silica-filled EPDM gum elastic was investigated by Abtahi et al [ 1 ] and concluded that TAC matching agent improved some belongingss such as tensile strength, scratch and resiliency opposition with a proper preparation. They besides used SEM to hold a deep penetration in the interaction between silica filler and gum elastic in the presence of TAC and found that t he grade of support was chiefly affected by the grade of wettability.New DevelopmentsReducing the sulfur content consequences in vulcanisates with better thermal opposition throughout service life, nevertheless, this is at the disbursal of decrease in mechanical public presentations such as dynamic weariness opposition and tear opposition. This via media can be eliminated by utilizing two additives, viz. hexamethylene-1, 6-bisthiosulphate ( HTS ) , a station vulcanization stabilizer and 1, 3-bis ( citraconimidomethyl ) benzine, an anti-reversion agent [ 42 ] . Vulcanization techniques have effects on EPDM gum elastics. Das [ 4 ] studied the efficiency of one-stage and two-stage sulfur vulcanization techniques of silica- filled EPDM gum elastics and reported that alteration of EPDM gum elastic by two-stage vulcanization technique enhanced the interactions between EPDM rubber and silicon oxide. Furthermore, assorted remedy systems can besides be employed to heighten the public presentation of vulcanisates.Undertaking PlanThe overall purpose of this undertaking is to prove some sulfur and peroxide remedy systems to bring around silanised silica-filled EPDM gum elastic to bring forth a gum elastic with good mechanical belongingss utilizing a suited hardening system. The undertaking programs are: Prepare silanised silica-filled EPDM gum elastic compounds with peroxide and bring around the gum elastic with gas pedal and activator via the sulfur in the silane ; Use C black and silanised silicon oxide nanofillers in EPDM gum elastic to measure their effects on the mechanical belongingss of the gum elastic ; Remedy and step the mechanical belongingss of filled EPDM gum elastic to set up consequence of the bring arounding systems and fillers on the gum elastic belongingss.