Monday, September 30, 2019

Marriage/Chana Miller Essay

Fully explain and concisely illustrate two (2) of the â€Å"Theoretical Perspectives on Families† discussed in your text (pp. 37–49). Use families presented in television programs, the movies, novels, or the Bible to illustrate the selected perspectives. The functionalist perspective focuses on stability and cooperation and emphasizes the importance of the family in maintaining the stability of society. The functionalist theory states that marriage is a microcosmic replica of the larger society, and the family fills six basic needs for the survival of society. Family life is organized in ways that are useful or functional for society. Despite being antiquated, the breadwinner-homemaker family is an efficient way to organize family life. The husband works outside the home while the wife does the housework and child care. The functionalist perspective is a male-dominant perspective (Strong et. al. 2011). In modern times, feminists have attacked patriarchy view and many women resisted male domination. The Feminist Perspective argued that the functionalist view is inadequate and idealized. It stated that gender defines social roles and cultural characteristics. Yet these roles have no biological reason behind them but are culturally dictated; therefore, they are socially constructed. These roles appear to be constructed to give men power. Experience of living in a family is different for women than it is for men. Families can be sources of social inequality, especially reinforcing the inequality of women. Women having economic power can lead to many challenges within the family, and within society (Strong et. al. 2011). Independence is a good quality for feminists, but not for functionalists. Since families involve domination and struggle, there must be compromise and good communication or there can be many problems, leading to domestic violence and other such abuse. During the 1950s, the Cleavers on the television show â€Å"Leave It to Beaver† epitomized the American family. In 1960, the majority of American households were like the Cleavers: made up of a breadwinner father, a homemaker mother, and their kids. During most of the 1950s and 1960s, white middle-class families dominated programs. The 1960s, however, began to showcase more structural variability, with an increase in families headed by a single widowed parent, such as in The Andy Griffith Show. (Fleahman et. al. 2009) Today, â€Å"traditional† families with a working husband, an unemployed wife, and one or more children make up a very small percentage of the nation’s households. And as America’s families have changed, the image of the family portrayed on television has changed accordingly. Today’s television families run the gamut from two-career families to two single mothers and their children and an unmarried couple who cohabitate in the same house. Another factor reshaping family life has been a massive influx of mothers into the work force. As wives have assumed a larger role in their family’s financial support, they have felt justified in demanding that husbands perform more child care and housework. Feminism has also been a major force that has transformed American family life. The women’s liberation movement attacked the societal expectation that women defer to the needs of spouses and children as part of their roles as wives and mothers. The larger mainstream of the women’s movement articulated a powerful critique of the idea that child care and housework were the apex of a woman’s accomplishments or her sole means of fulfillment (Strong et. al. 2011). Historically, television has promoted a traditional family model with wise parents, little serious conflict, and mostly conforming behavior. Families on television during the 1950s and much of the 1960s talked with each other, and parents always helped their children through adolescence. Although the 1970s had a number of sentimental portrayals, such as â€Å"Little House on the Prairie† or the still popular â€Å"Brady Bunch,† it also experimented with more diverse relationship patterns in such favorites as â€Å"All in the Family† and â€Å"The Jeffersons. † In â€Å"All in the Family. † family members were likely to ignore, withdraw, and oppose one another, in addition to showing support and caring. (Fleahman et. al. 2009) During the 1980s, â€Å"The Cosby Show† dominated public perceptions of family portrayals with an enviable family. Primetime soap operas such as â€Å"Dallas† and â€Å"Dynasty† explored the seamier side of extended families. The end of the 1980s saw a more cynical view of the family in such comedy hits as â€Å"Roseanne† and â€Å"The Simpsons. † By the 1990s family relationships were again portrayed more positively in terms of psychological health on shows such as â€Å"Family Matters† and â€Å"Home Improvement. † (Fleahman et. al. 2009) Although conflicts in family programs have increased rapidly from the late 1970s, family members almost always successfully resolved the conflicts by way of positive, constructive, and pro-social communication.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Apush Chapter

Slaves gets accuse of stealing for possessing items that they earn Slaves gets whip as a punishment 7) Summary: In this passage written by Frederick Douglas who was an escaped slave that became known as the greatest Black abolitionist of the time for sharing his terrible experience as a slave in order to stop slavery, it discusses the cruel treatments that the slaves are expose to.For instance, if the slaves perform at a poor rate or produces insufficient work, their master would hit them with a whip as a symbol of punishment. Sometimes, the master doesn't even need a reason to torment the slaves other than for his/ ere own satisfaction. In addition, Douglas who was a slave for the majority of his life, claims that the laws created by the Southern states were unfair since it was design to give the master full control over the slaves which took away their freedom.Moreover, Douglas supported his idea by repeating the same phrase and adding the different things that were restricted agai nst the slaves such as earning a proper education, receiving good food/clothes, and working hard to make money. Furthermore, Douglas asserts that the physical cruelties that are brought upon the slaves are sufficiently harassing and revolting since t inflicts on the mental, moral and religious nature of the helpless victims.All of these reasons explain why Douglas decided to risk his life in order to escape from his master to become a free and independent African American. 2) The â€Å"Blessings† of the Slave (1849) 3) Author: Solon Robinson 4) Author's Position: Supports the African American community. Against masters who abuses their slaves. 5) Bias: Robinson was born in Connecticut but he soon moved to Indiana which to become a trader and agriculturist which changed his views on slaves to look at them more positively. 6) Arguments:It is hard to find anyone around the world who likes being poor and control by the upper classes Freeing the slaves can be consider as a punishm ent for the slaves since God has deprived them of it The slaves has worked hard to meet their master expectations Over-driving slaves is the poorest way to get work out of them Slaves can't be force to do more than a certain amount of work The masters are only treating their slaves kindly because of self-interest The deep South is known for its cruelty towards the slaves The large plantations owners make the slaves perform tasks more regularly or bigger audiences 7) Summary: In this excerpt written by Solon Robinson who was a Puritan born and raised in Connecticut that switch from being a Yankee peddler to being a trader and agriculturist, discusses the benefits that some slaves has over the others as well as the poor conditions that they live in.First off, Solon admits that nobody in this society would ever Want to trade in their luxurious, relaxing and comfortable life in for a poor one fill with sufferings and tragedy. However, slaves also gets to enjoy some these factors such as the fine uniforms and full course meals that is given to them after a Eng and hard day at work. In addition, Solon supports his claims by explaining that he has witness very few plantations that abuse their slaves since it is looked down upon. Moreover, Solon describes how as the consumer market expands, the owners must force their slaves to work at a faster rate to reach the amount of products that gets demanded and the only effective way for them to do this is by using physical force.However, the owners obviously knows that the slaves too have limits which means that they can't perform more than a certain amount of tasks given to them. Furthermore, Solon confess from experience that as times goes by, the masters are becoming more temperate and better men so they treat the slaves better, but mainly because of self-interest. Solon the ends on a determine note on how the inhumane people who abuses their slaves will eventually gets punish for their wrong actions. 2) Comparing Slave L abor and Wage Labor (1850) 3) Author: Cartoonist from Boston 4) Author's Position: Supports Slavery 5) Bias: The British thinks that slavery in England was good.They wanted to prove that slavery conditions was different in various places 6) Arguments: Slaves in Southern America are very happy Slaves in England are peaceful The slaves are calm and collective 7) Summary: The picture illustrated in this cartoon that was published in Boston signifies the different slaves conditions in Southern America as compared to England. The author supports slavery so he/she drew the slaves looking very happy and even celebrating with music in the â€Å"Slavery as it exists in America† picture. Then in the â€Å"Slavery as it exists in England† image, it shows the slave and his owner talking to each other casually and other people being shock about it.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Marketing Across Cultures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Marketing Across Cultures - Essay Example Thus what is seen is just as important as what is written or what is spoken. Therefore visual or non-verbal communications about brands and products must be adapted to culture to connect with people in high context cultures. In particular, people from high context cultures are more socially oriented and prefer to have face-to-face, or interpersonal dealings in communications (Usunier & Lee, 2009). The idea is to establish some sort of a connection to consumers in high context cultures. For example, when distributing goods in places like China, Japan and India, connections can be made by appealing to local cultural symbols. Japan’s high uncertainty avoidance culture makes it the most difficult market for foreigners to penetrate. High uncertainty avoidance cultures are usually not amenable to anything new or uncertain. Thus the state and social norms typically implement rules and norms to restrict the introduction of uncertainty in terms of the introduction of anything or any ph enomenon that is foreign or different. China and India are cultures that are more amenable to uncertainty than Japan is (Usunier & Lee, 2009). Many products fulfill both a functional need as well as a social need. When deciding how much to adapt an existing product for a new foreign market, which type of need should a marketer focus on? Explain your answer. When adapting an existing product for a new foreign market the marketer should focus on social needs. For example in masculine cultures where men make a majority of the purchasing decisions, the product should be adapted to appeal to men. Likewise, in â€Å"highly feminine individualist cultures† the social and financial burdens are shared by men and women (Usunier & Lee, 2009, p. 71). Thus when adapting an existing product to this culture, the product does not have to be gender-specific. However other cultural norms may require adaptation. For example, explicit images displaying some degree of nudity in packaging may be o ffensive to some cultures. A food product such as a soup brand may want to replace a soup made of forbidden meat products with a more appropriate meat in countries where the meat is not an acceptable food source. This will be particularly important in high uncertainty avoidance cultures. High feminine collectivist cultures are similar to high feminine individualist cultures in that men and women share responsibilities for economic and social decisions. However, these individuals typically lack individual authority. Thus products must be adapted so that they appeal to this group dynamic. It therefore follows that products should be more family oriented as high feminine collectivist cultures emphasize the importance of the family as a whole. As Usunier and Lee (2009), in high feminine collectivist cultures, the entire family has a significant influence on â€Å"consumption behaviour† (Usunier & Lee, 2009, p. 71). Comparing a supermarket in Tokyo, Japan with one in Dallas, Texas , which of the two is likely to have higher sales of snacks and sweets (Items usually found near the cash register at the checkout)? Explain your answer using the most relevant cultural dimension. Items are typically placed near the cash register in supermarkets and other stores generally to appeal to impulsive or unplanned consumer purchasing behaviour. Asian cultures are typically linked to the collectivist dimension of

Friday, September 27, 2019

Decisions at the End of Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Decisions at the End of Life - Essay Example The mode of Palliative care i.e. the comprehensive care of the patients whose disease is not responding to cure in today's scenario should be done only by proper practice procedures to safeguard the concerns of the physician, nurses and the patient. Studies have conformed that patients want information about their illness and end of life choices (McSkimming, 1994). The case of Nancy Curzon helped enormously to the evolution of 'laws on medical practice'. Nancy Curzon was a young woman involved in a car crash after which she remained in a persistent vegetative state. Inspite of a three year legal battle by her family to have her feeding tube removed to let her die, the U.S Supreme court decided that a state requires a "Clear and Convincing Evidence" of the patient's wishes before withdrawal of life-support. This gave rise to the 'Patient's Self-Determination Act, Dec. 1991'. The intent of this legislation is to encourage people to prepare 'Advance directives' in which they indic ate their wishes concerning the degree of supportive care to be provided if they become incapacitated. 'Advance directives' are legal documents that specify a patient's wishes before hospitalization and provi

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The biomedical model of health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The biomedical model of health - Essay Example Although it has been introduced in the nineteenth century, the roots of the model date back to the 17th century when Cartesian dualism existed. After its introduction the model replaced the previously famous Humoral paradigm in the twentieth century. The discovery of antibiotics proved to be a breakthrough in the approval of the model. However in the late twentieth century some of the sociologists again started questioning the integrity of the biomedical model of health as they considered the social wellbeing of an individual to be as important as the biological well being (Curtis 2002; Taylor 2008; Lovallo 2005; Havelka et al 2009). Biomedical Model of Health The biomedical model of health takes its roots from the Cartesian dualism which is dated back to the seventeenth century in the times of Descartes. Cartesian Dualism revolved around the aspect that both mind and body are two separate entities irrespective of their functions. In a similar fashion the model considers physical cau ses to be the main reason for the disease. The model has replaced the previously followed Humoral Paradigm which was formed by the Greeks. According to this paradigm the diseases in a human body are caused because of a certain abnormality in the four basic fluids of the body. In those times the four basic fluids of the body were believed to be blood, black bile, yellow bile and phlegm. The treatment of this paradigm also revolved around the maintenance of these four basic fluids. One thing common about the Humoral paradigm and biomedical model of health is that both of them consider bodily factors to be the cause of the disease (Curtis 2002). The biomedical model of health revolves around certain factors which have to be present. The model states that for a person to be unhealthy he has to have some sort of biological abnormality. It also states that every disease has some specific cause which has to be diagnosed by the doctor in order to cure the patient. It also involves the proce ss of treatment and states that the human body can be reversed back to the normal condition if the right treatment is served to the diseased person. It states that psychological and social processes do not take part in the disease causing process. Moreover it also assumes that mind and body are two different entities that have no such relation with each other. And lastly the health of the whole society is dependent on the resources that are available to the medical society as a whole (Taylor 2008). The model is largely followed all over the world and its principles are also seen to be the most convincing these days. It is because of this model that researches are being conducted on the biochemical and genetic processes of the body to find out about the different diseases. Moreover all the doctors being trained these days are trained on the principles of this model as they have to learn about the internal environment of a human being so that they can treat them. In other words they h ave to understand the human body so that they can intervene in the process of disease that may be causing harm to the patient (Curtis 2002; Taylor & Field 2007). It has helped to carry out several projects have proved to be a breakthrough in treating various diseases occurring in the society. The Human Genome Project is an example of the advantages of this model. Human Genome Proj

The Belmont Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Belmont Report - Essay Example It also offered guidelines for the ethical treatment of subjects, accurate risk appraisal, guidelines for the selection of subjects, and the definition of informed consent. The Belmont report defined practice as an intervention that had a reasonable chance of enhancing the well being of the individual patient involved. Practice has as its objective the "...diagnosis, preventive treatment or therapy" of the patient involved ("The Belmont Report"). Research is the process that is designed to "...test an hypothesis, permit conclusions to be drawn, and thereby to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge" ("The Belmont Report"). Research has a predefined protocol, procedures, and end point objectives. Experimental treatments may be designated as practice if there is a basis for likelihood of improving the patient's condition. The Belmont report was based on 3 ethical considerations. First, the patient's autonomy must be respected. In cases where a patient lacks autonomy such as incapacitation, measures must be taken to protect the individual. Second, efforts must be made to secure the patients well being. The maxim of 'do no harm' must be respected and harm should not be inflicted for the sake of research. It is also recognized that research often involves risk and harm may be the ultimate result. The opportunity for benefit must be weighed against the risk.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Current event synopsis 2 page Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Current event synopsis 2 page - Term Paper Example Ron Lieber highlights the extent to which customers suffer after their card information falls on rogue hands. The primary effect of debit card fraud is the realization of a sour relationship between providers of financial services and their customers. In light of the article, First American Bank, Bank of America, Taxi operators, and debit card service providers such as MasterCard and Visa face strive to retain their customers after cases of fraud emerge. This is because fraud affects customer trust, loyalty, and general satisfaction with the companies caught up in fraudulent transactions. To ascertain their commitment to customer welfare, banks and businesses are quick to implement strategies that assure customers of their financial safety and security. One of most employed strategy is the practice of zero liability policy. This policy ensures that customers are not liable for transactions that they do not approve. Moreover, banks and other financial providers replace affected debit cards shortly after cases of fraud are reported. Amid diverse and dynamic efforts to minimize the impact of fraud on customer satisfaction, the article maintains that frustration and dissatisfaction are still evident among customers. Debit and credit card users become financially insecure once they fall victim to fraudulent card transactions. Over and above that, reimbursement of funds takes time to go through. Affected customers have to wait for an uncertain period before they can regain access to lost funds. The conclusion drawn by the article’s author holds that debit card fraud results in customer frustration. In particular, Ron Lieber notes First American Bank and the Bank of America as the recent institutions to suffer customer frustration following debit card fraud. This comes shortly after Target, a leading retailer, lost customers’ debit and credit card information to hackers on one of the busiest shopping days in America. Ron Lieber’s

Monday, September 23, 2019

LP6- Juvenile Justice Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

LP6- Juvenile Justice - Assignment Example However, some adverse effects may vary depending on the quantity consumed, the rate of body metabolism, and individual mood. Some of the most commonly abused drugs include marijuana, cocaine, heroin and alcohol (Bruce and Tracey 2-6). Marijuana is dry shredded leaves ranging from brown to green mixture of flowers stem and leaves of a plant termed as cannabis sativa. This type of drug in its resinous form is called hashish. Marijuana contains a chemical component known as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), this chemical subjects the body it into euphoric state (feeling high). According to center of diseases and control (CDC), marijuana contains over 70% cancer causing substances compared to cigarettes and persistence use often lead to inflammation on the respiratory system. Several studies have also indicated that this drug causes abnormalities of the brain giving a leeway to diseases such as psychosis. In male, marijuana changes the structure of the formation of sperm cell and this may lead to infertility and it interferes with the menstrual cycle in women. The drug also causes abnormal cell division leading to premature births and is one of the leading causes of leukemia amongst newborn children. In conclusion, cannabi s increases the rate of heartbeat, interferes with the physical coordination and causes dizziness (Diane and Samantha 100). Cocaine falls amongst the addictive stimulant drugs generated from a coca plant mostly grown in South America. This drug in its processed form is known as crack. Cocaine drug is inhaled through the nostril or can be directly injected into the blood stream in form of solution. This drug increases the rate of heartbeat, nausea and enhances abnormal breathing patterns (Diane and Samantha 100). Even though cocaine is mainly associated with short term effects, its abusers often suffer from damaged nose cartilage thus leading to paranoia and abnormal breathing

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Learning Assessment Systems Assignments (LASA) Assignment

Learning Assessment Systems Assignments (LASA) - Assignment Example The class is composed of an instructor or teacher who facilitates the achievement of unit objectives and the desired learning outcomes. This is achieved through an understanding of the needs of every student within the learning process so that these needs would be met as effectively as possible. This will allow the students to acquire the learning material and use the educational resources for effectiveness in the learning process which is congruent to individual needs. The chart below demonstrates the elements of diversity and the consequent variations or differences which are represented within classrooms. As illustrated on the chart above, there are differences among students in eight grades as defined by the depicted demographics. This means that the instructor must take into consideration these differences in the teaching process. In this regard, there are specific exceptionalities which will be extended to various categories of students especially among those with physical or m ental disabilities. These exceptions include the application of a specific teaching methodology which is aimed at ensuring that the unique needs of students within each category are effectively met during the learning process. ... The various events as postulated by Gagne will represent the procedures which enable the achievement of the desired learning goals and outcomes of the learning process within the unit. Operant conditioning as an effective theoretical framework will be employed in the design of the unit plan. The unit will run for a period of two weeks which means that the goals and the objectives as designed within the unit plan have to be met within this period. Unit Goals 1. Achievement of an understanding and comprehension of the past 2. Ability to interpret and analyze past events 3. Understanding decisions of the past and achieving accuracy in judging them 4. Comprehending the diversity which exist within the society including people, cultures and geographic locations 5. Ability to discuss the ideals which represents the American democratic society Unit Objectives Operant conditioning will be used by the teacher to ensure that the students achieve the learning objectives as effectively and effic iently as possible. Through operant conditioning, students are allowed to determine the gains which they will acquire in achieving specific objectives and the related consequences in failure to achieve these objectives (Shields & Gredler, 2008). Therefore operant conditioning will be employed in this unit to motivate the achievement of the following objectives by the eighth grade students. 1. To provide ground for student participation in puzzles, games and interactive learning as the most effective stimulating activities in gaining knowledge on the civil rights movement. 2. To achieve an ability to recognize the key personalities, places, participants, players and events which were involved in

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The efficiency of energy conservation Essay Example for Free

The efficiency of energy conservation Essay Safety In this experiments the staple that is fired has sharp ends to it and so it can be dangerous. So throughout this experiment I will wear goggles and work in an area away from others. Method 1) Set up the equipment as shown in the diagram on the first page. 2) Cut a 8cm of string 3) Attach the string to the weight holder (weight holder weighs 100g) 4) Attach the other end of the string to the elastic band. 5) Measure the extension of the elastic band and record it. 6) Get into the right position to record the height of the staple. 7) Cut the string and record the height to the nearest 5cm. 8) Repeat each test 3 times and then take an average of the height. 9) Repeat the same experiment using the next weight (200g). Obersavation and Recording To calculate the amount of elastic energy stored in the elastic band at different extension, I drew a graph based on the results shown below. The area under the graph is represented of the elastic energy stored at various extensions. From my graph, each 1cm   1cm square is represented ofThe elastic energy is an approximation. I have tried to be as accurate as possible whilst counting the squares. I found that the distance from the floor to the ceiling was 3. 32m and the distance the elastic band traveled from rest while attached to the clamp to the point where it hits the ceiling to be 2. 07m. From looking at the results we can see that the maximum height reached by the staple, the point where it hit the ceiling was when its extension was 10cm. From this I can calculate the amount of elastic energy stored in the band using my graph. I can also calculate the amount of energy transferred to the staple, ie the potential energy gained, by using the equation mgh. Evaluation In the experiment I was trying to measure the efficiency of the energy transfer for the staple fired into the air, by the elastic band. The energy conversion in the experiment is the transfer of elastic energy stored in the elastic band to potential energy gained by the staple after it has fired into the air. Elastic energy i Potential energy From looking at my results the general pattern is that an increase in extension increases the height of the staple that is fired. The graph I have produced, force extension graph also show this. The graph does not follow Hookes law, as the line is not straight. The values I collected for the elastic energy was 0. 170 J and energy converted into potential energy in the staple after it had been fired was 0. 041 J. The percentage efficiency for this energy transfer was 24. 1%. This means only a small amount of elastic energy was converted to potential energy and most of the energy had been lost. The reason for this could be due to the air resistance. I stretched the elastic at different lengths and observed how far the staple shot off as a result. At first the relationship between the extension and the distance was close, nearly the same. Then air friction could of decreased the distance traveled for a given stretch. This would mean that the staple would have gained less potential energy. Also this experiment involves the transformation of elastic energy to potential energy between the elastic and the staple. But when the elastic band is stretched and released this involve the transformation of elastic energy to kinetic energy so some energy could have been lost due to this kinetic energy. Another reason could be that when stretched, energy could of been lost as a form of heat. When the elastic band is stretched the rubber polymer chains become more orderly and H bonds form between these chains. This H bond formation is exothermic therefore the stretched elastic band will feel warm and heat will be lost. (Reversing this process (when unstretched), the polymer chains become disorderly, the H bonds break and as this is endothermic, heat is absorbed and the band feels cool. ) This heat energy lost will have an effect on the transfer of energy between the elastic band and the staple. To keep this experiment as accurate as possible I took 3 reading for each test and then I took an average. I used appropriate and reliable equipment and used them properly. When taking the results I will also draw the graph at the same time so if any chance an anomalous result does occurs I can go back and repeat the same test to get the right result. I also design the experiment so I would be as accurate as possible using the equipment from the lab. I thought that the experiment went well, the results that I got I thought was accurate and reliable. I thought that the experiment was well planned, reducing any factor that would lead to unreliable results. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Electricity and Magnetism section.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Discovering The Kingdom Of God

Discovering The Kingdom Of God INTRODUCTION Do we really know what the Kingdom of God is, or are we only speculating? Is it that personal hope that one day after our death we will enter into the Kingdom of God and have eternal life? Or is it something else that we as human beings cannot grasp with our limited mindset. Whatever the outcome, let us explore this magnificent topic to get the best possible answer. As Christians we must be able to have Biblical answers to theological questions. 1. Write an essay presenting a biblical view of the nature of the Kingdom of God and exploring the implications of your understanding of the kingdom for ministry today: We must start off by asking ourselves the question: What does the Kingdom of God mean to us as Christians. To many this is maybe another irrelevant religious term used to describe the unrealistic visions of Christians. Some may even see the existence of the Kingdom of God altogether as part of the Church (Ladd 1981:2-3). One theologian by the name of Adolf von Harnack, when confronted over the issue, wrote the following: The Kingdom of God comes by coming to the individual, by entering into his soul and laying hold of it. For Adolf von Harnack, the Kingdom of God meant that the Spirit of life was to come and fill people personally. This hope was a universal hope for the whole creation. People had to interact with one another and the whole of creation to receive this eternal life (Moltmann 1996:131). Even Albert Schweitzer (Ladd 1981:3) says the Kingdom of God is supernatural and part of the future. Should we take the above mentioned as the only answers for the Kingdom of God or shoul d we go to the Word of God and find what it has to say about the Kingdom of God. Yes, we should definitely find the Scriptural truths in the Word of God that explains the Kingdom of God to us. First of all, the Kingdom of God is where God rules. In Jeremiah 31:33-34, LASB God writes the rights of His kingdom in our hearts and He wants us to obey Him in glory and honour (Ladd 1981:6). We see His kingdom exist in the spiritual realm which is not presently visible to our eyes, but we can persevere in faith that someday the Kingdom of God will come in all its fullness. Psalm 103:19, LASB The Lord has established His throne in heaven, and His kingdom rules over all (Ladd 1981:6-7). The Kingdom of God is both in the present and in the future. We read that many times Jesus referred to the Kingdom of God in the future tense Assuredly, I say to you, I will no longer drink of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the Kingdom of God (Mark 14:25, LASB). Other times He indicated that the Kingdom of God was already present. Then sometimes He preached that the Kingdom of God was nearby (you could almost touch the kingdom). So we can see that the Kingdom of God progr ess through us (by spreading the Gospel) on the earth here and now (Ladd 1981:8-9). The Kingdom of God is unavailable to people that practice acts of sin. We read in the Bible the following: Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9-10, LASB). So if you are practicing some of the above and you die, you will not inherit the Kingdom of God, but if you are cleansed and forgiven by the blood of Jesus Christ, and sin no more and then die, the Kingdom of God is at hand. With the resurrection comes the Kingdom of God (Ladd 1981:11-13). In the Old Testament we also find the Kingdom of God spoken of for the first time, although the term itself is not directly used. Israel did not really care about the term Kingdom of God; they only worried about themselves and their rebellious ways. This was very sad because God actually wanted to prepare Israel to find hope in the coming of the King. For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulders. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6, LASB). This King was to deliver all people from their slavery to sin (Williams 1992:15-16). We see in the New Testament the establishment of the Kingdom of God. Jesus Christ was born to be the Ruler for us. When Jesus stood on trial for His life, before Pilate, Pilate asked Him, Are You the King of the Jews? He answered him and said, It is as you say (Luke 23:3, LASB). So we see that Jesus did tell him that He was a King, but Jes us also indicated to him that His Kingdom was not of this world. This scripture says it all, God was the Supreme Ruler and Jesus Christ was going to rule all nations of the earth (Williams 1992:17-18). Matthew records Jesus using the phrase Kingdom of heaven while Mark and Luke uses the phrase Kingdom of God. When the two are measured against one another, they are almost identical (Ridderbos 1996:39). In the above paragraphs I have tried to capture a biblical view of the nature of the Kingdom of God and know that with this discovery comes a profound responsibility for us as part of a ministry. So in closing I realised the following: Jesus tells us to seek first the Kingdom of God and Gods righteousness, and if we do, everything will fall into place. God has got one desire for us and that is to please Him and follow Him. God must be glorified here on earth because by doing so has both current and eternal implications. Our time, talents, treasures, attitudes and actions must be to serve God. We must avail ourselves to help others come to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, so that they may be saved from their sins as well, so that they can start to seek the Kingdom of God now and in the future. Conclusion Morphew (1991:52) said the following: There is every reason to be filled with hope the confident expectation that we move from the victory Christ has already obtained, to the victory of Christ still to be obtained. What a great priviledge to know that the Kingdom of God is coming and everything will change. To know that we have some insight into the Kingdom of God, but for now, change begins in us. Let us produce the Kingdom on earth through the will of God. Bibliography Barton B B, Beers R A and Galvin J C (eds) 1996. Life Application Study Bible. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers. Ladd G D 1981. The Gospel of the Kingdom. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. Moltmann J 1996. The Coming of God: Christian Eschatology. St Albans Place, London: SCM Press. Morphew D J 1991. Breakthrough: Discovering the Kingdom. Cape Town: Struik Christian Books. Ridderbos H N 1996. In DRW Wood (ed.), New Bible Dictionary, 647-650. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press. Williams J R 1992. Renewal Theology, vol. 3. Grand Rapids: Zondervan. INTRODUCTION It is said that warfare is not only a physical reality, but it is also a spiritual reality. The enemy is around us and within us. Satan and his demonic forces are constantly prepared for an attack on Gods children. The great weapon that Satan employs in his attacks is the sinful nature of every human being. The question we must then ask ourselves is the following: First of all, is Satan really the ruler of the earth and are we under his rule. Secondly, did Jesus Christ then lost authority over us. Thirdly, can we really believe The Ransom Theory as the ultimate truth? Let us investigate the outcome so as to understand the enemys weaknesses and strengths without being afraid of him. ASSIGNMENT 2 Write an essay disputing the claim that Satan has the right and title deed to the earth. Be sure to address each of the implications listed below: The Ransom Theory of the Atonement cannot be dismissed as summarily as it usually is if indeed Satan had a right to the souls of men. The Ransom Theory personally for me creates the picture of God and Satan sitting at a table playing a deck of cards. Satan has just won and now rules the world. In an attempt to save the world and its people, God tries to negotiate or bribe Satan to give Him back the world. So God with His back against the wall gives His Son, Jesus Christ as ransom. When Origen formulated the doctrine, he said the following: It was Satan rather than God who demanded Christs blood, thus initiating this aspect of the transaction. So the ransom was determined by, paid to, and accepted by Satan. This mitigates to some extent the charge that the ransom theory makes God somewhat of a dishonest dealer (Erickson 1996:53-56). Really, we cannot believe this, for God is an honest and truthful Ruler. In Genesis 3 when Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit, Satan tried to tempt everyone away from God, but he couldnt do it. Although Adam and Eve were disobedient, God was still in control. I think the idea that made some to think the title deed of the earth was passed over to Satan was the fact that God gave us our own will and some people want to believe in Satan ruling the earth. Yes, Satan is powerful, but Jesus is more powerful. Jesuss resurrection shattered Satans power and showed Gods unconditional love for us. To overcome Satan we need faithful allegiance to Gods Word and stay away from sin (Gross 1990:114-115). Jesus said: Now is the judgment of this world, now the ruler of this world will be cast out (John 12:31, LASB). Postmillennialism too becomes far more attractive and reasonable when viewed in the light of inter-kingdom conflict: If the purpose of God is to win back territory from the enemy then truimphalism and kingdom now theology is tenable. To think that Jesus Christ will return after Christians (Not Jesus Christ Himself) have established the Kingdom on this earth sounds very attractive and promising. All of us wants to believe that this world will become better and better. We want to be heroes and save this world before Jesus Christ comes. However, this is not the Biblical view of the world in the end times. Triumphalism and kingdom now theology are acceptable, but only for people that believe in Postmillenialism (Erickson 1996:160-161). We as Christians must find balance between winning back the Kingdom of God and awaiting eternal life. We should spread the Gospel until Jesus Christ comes to save us. To think that there is nothing to fear or that we are Superman is insane. Paul explains that there are difficult times for Christian service. But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! (2 Timothy 3:1-5, LASB). Morphew (1991) says that A triumphalist approach will produce unreal people who live in a spiritual bubble, or worse, arrogance and fanaticism that brings the name of Jesus into disrepute. Similarly, spiritual warfare concepts such as taking our cities for God, so much in vogue nowadays, would need to be aggressively practiced. I disagree with this concept of running around chasing the enemy. Who do we serve, Jesus Christ or Satan? As being part of the military I have realized one thing, warfare in this instance should be defensive and not offensive. We have victory in our spiritual warfare by standing in prayer and not running around trying to rebuke Satan every time something goes wrong. It is by knowing the truth and submitting to God in obedience that the devil runs (Moriarty 1992:150-151). 2 Corinthians 10:4-6, LASB For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled. When Jesus Christ arose and ascended, He revealed His victory over Satan, taking with Him those whom the devil had captured. The victory of Jesus Christ is the victory of all who are saved by faith in Him. Satan has no legitimate authority over Christians. The only influence he enjoys in our lives is when we yield to him (Moriarty 1992:153-154). It is true what Moriarty (1992:150) says The Devil does not need to be outshouted; he needs to be outtruthed. The implications for Church life also need to be considered: If the primary function of the church is to conduct a war then a hierarchical form of government would be appropriate and mega churches more effective than small family congregations. First of all we must remember that the main purpose of the church is for the praise of Gods glory and His wonderful grace. The church need not to change to really conduct war against Satan and remember that a church is not confined to four walls, the church of Jesus Christ is people. For me a small family congregation has got the same power as a mega church. Many churches and especially the new charismatics believe that the church needs a special army of Christian believers to worship with force to wipe out the devil and his demons. The people sing songs to chase away the demons and the devils and forget what the main purpose of spiritual warfare is all about. People forget that Jesus Christ is now head of the church, the ultimate authority over the world and we are the body. If we work, serve or worship together in holiness, we are one body in unity. Satan will not be able to stand when we worship together against him (Moriarty 1992:149-151). For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12, LASB). Conclusion You have read all the above arguments that were made and must make a decision. Do you serve Jesus Christ or Satan? Just remember, Christians will always be in battle, being a soldier for Jesus Christ is not an option, it is a command. Do not get excited about Satan; rather get excited about Gods Kingdom and eternal life. Bibliography Barton B B, Beers R A and Galvin J C (eds) 1996. Life Application Study Bible. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers. Erickson M J 1996. Christian Theology (2nd ed.). Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. Erickson M J 1996. Contemporary Options in Eschatology. Grand Rapids: Baker Books. Gross E N 1990. Miracles, Demons, and Spiritual Warfare. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House. Moriarty M G 1992. The New Charismatics. Grand Rapids: Zondervan. Morphew D J 1991. Breakthrough: Discovering the Kingdom. Cape Town: Struik Christian Books. INTRODUCTION Jesus handed down all His power and authority to us, but do we really appreciate this enormous opportunity to continue the legacy of Jesus Christ. Some people say that they do not experience the amazing works of God displayed in their lives. Did Jesus Christ loose His power and authority? Or is something wrong in us; we who proclaim that we belong to Jesus Christ. Let us find the answers and rekindle the flame of boldness, obedience, courage and power through Jesus Christ. ASSIGNMENT 3 3.1. The task of extending the kingdom. I agree with both these statements for the following reasons: Jesus did give authority and power to His disciples. But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And as you go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give (Matthew 10:6-8, LASB). The disciples had tremendous results as they ministered with authority in Jesus name. In Luke 4:18-20, LASB Jesus told Peter and Andrew to leave their fishing business and become fishers of men, to help others find God. They had to practise Christs teachings and share the gospel with others (Grudem 1994:83). Jesus also went and designated seventy messengers. These disciples were not fully qualified, but their willingness and their awareness of Jesus power made them excellent candidates to reach all people. We read that when the seventy returned, they were delighted and full of victory. Then the seventy returned with joy, saying, Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name (Luk e 10:17, LASB) (Grudem 1994:92). Yes I agree, we the men and women of this world needs to preach the gospel based on the fact that Jesus Christ died on the cross and through His resurrection. Yes, we can still make use of Satan through our selfishness and sin, but do we really what to hamper our relationship with God. If we do not preach the gospel, teach the principles of the kingdom of God, heal the sick and deliver the demonised, who will. John 14:12, LASB Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. Jesus Christ gave the bible to teach and direct, the Church to support and the Holy Spirit to annoint. 3.2. The role of deliverance in extending the kingdom. Are demons described in the Scriptures as malignant entities with identity and personality? Give reasoning and references. Yes I would say that demons are distinct persons with indentities and personalities. Each has a name, though we only know the names of a few, for example the serpent (snake) in the Garden of Eden. Demons possess supernatural intelligence. They demonstrated insight into the identify of Jesus when He healed all the sick and demon-possessed. Then He healed many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons; and He did not allow the demons to speak, because they knew Him (Mark 1:34, LASB). They definitely know their future. The two demon-possessed men when they saw Jesus thought He was only going to torment them at the end of the world. And suddenly they cried out, saying, What have we to do with You, Jesus, You Son of God? Have You come here to torment us before the time? (Matthew 8:29, LASB). How did the Lord Jesus deal with demons by counselling or medicating the victim, or by delivering him/her with a word of command? Give reasoning and references. Jesus made use of practical examples in His dealings with demons and there were always people to witness this events. And He was preaching in their synagogues throughout all Galilee, and casting out demons (Mark 1:39, LASB). Jesus used His name to cast out demons. And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; (Mark 16:17, LASB). Jesus cast demons not only out of people with evil spirits, but also out of people who were not affected by demons. Some of the people never even realised their sickness were caused by demons. When the sun was setting, all those who had any that were sick with various diseases brought them to Him; and He laid His hands on every one of them and healed them. And demons also came out of many, crying out and saying, You are the Chri st, the Son of God! (Luke 4:40-41, LASB). Is it the Lords expectation that we should deal with demonic conditions in the same way as He did? Give reasons and references. Firstly, Jesus wants us to use the spiritual armour He gave us. Therefore take up the whole armour of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand (Ephesians 6:13, LASB). Without the armour people will be vulnerable to Satans attack. We must walk in honesty, righteousness, faith, love, hope, peace, readiness, speaking the Word of God and praying in the Spirit. We need all this to be successful against Satan and his demons. Jesus expects us to stand against Satan. We need wisdom and power from God to overcome them. We should walk in love, though this will definitely frustrate the demons. Jesus prayed for people and so should we. We should also know the truth, and the truth will make us free. 3.3. The role of prayer in extending the kingdom. Below are three statements about the role prayer plays in extending the kingdom of God. Which one do you support and why? I want to agree with the first two statements. The second statement more than the first. Prayer is the foundation of every Christian person (Wegerle 1997:3). We should by now realise the value of prayer otherwise we will never be moved to do things. Day and night we must pray. This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it (Joshua 1:8, LASB). Prayer produces a strength (a spiritual strength) that can get things done. Assuredly, I say to you, among those born of women there has not risen one greater than John the Baptist; but he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force (Matthew 11, 11-12, LASB) (Wegerle 1997:4). To pray you do not have to prepare any special formulas. God knows our hearts, if our hearts are pure and good, we can tell God anything (Grudem 1994:61). Prayer definitely releases the power and authority of God. In Matthew 16:19, LASB Jesus made an enormously big statement. Jesus gave us the keys to His kingdom. With this keys we can open the heavenly treasure-house hear on earth. We have the authority to bind Satan and his demons and change the behaviour (sins) of people (Wegerle 1997:16-18). Prayer is not an acknowledgement of need. God knows what we want and we must keep on praying in faith (Grudem 1994:57). 3.4. The role of the Spirit in extending the kingdom. Evaluate the contentions made in the quotation below and support your views with Scripture. We have entered into the time where great treasures of knowledge are revealed and teached to men and women by the Holy Spirit (Grudem 1994:112). We the annointed messengers should walk in the Spirit and deliver this knowledge. I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law (Galatians 5:16-18, LASB). The Holy Spirit is Jesus Christs representative in the church. Jesus took His seat in heaven and the Holy Spirit came down to begin the work of building up the body of Christ (Grudem 1994:113-114). For by one Spirit we were all baptised into the body whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free and have all been made to drink into one Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:13, LASB). We must get accustomed to proclaiming the Gospel with the Holy Spirit sent down to us with power. And you became followers of us and of the Lord, having received the word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Spirit, so that you became examples to all in Macedonia and Achaia who believe (1 Thessalonians 1:6-7, LASB). No pastor can preach the Word of God without consulting the Holy Spirit for annointing. The Holy Spirit can manifest Himself in a Church service and create an atmosphere of love. Usually then people submit their lives and wills to Jesus Christ (Grudem 1994:111-112). Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5, LASB). 3.5. The role of sign gifts in extending the kingdom. Comment on the logic in the following quotations by John MacArthur. Contrast MacArthurs views with those of teachers from the Charismatic movement. Finally, indicate your views on the meaning of Hebrews 2:3-4. The first quotation for me personally gives the idea that God is not truly present and that God did not leave us anything. It feels as if the line Once the Word was complete, it was all over really means that Jesus do not exist for us today and God will never be glorified. Then the Messiah is not authentic and true anymore (MacArthur 1992:127). I might agree with him on some issues for instance, we read in the Bible that Jesus and the disciples did wonderful miracles and healings. They raised the dead, healed cut-off ears and restored the crippled. The miracles of healing today is not so intense and frequent as in Jesus time. I want to agree in what Edward Gross (1990:36-37) believes. God does work miracles today. He says that God will never oppose His Word. He honors His Word even in greater ways than He honors His own name (Psalm 138:2, LASB). Miracles and healings will keep on happening. Jesus ministry has given to us His teachings. Although we did not see these miracles and signs , we base our believe on the people in the Bible that were eyewitnesses. This must be encouragement for us to go on and perservere because I do believe in a miracle working God. In the second quotation I agree that miracles, wonders and sign gifts were given to the first generation apostles. And when He had called His twelve disciples to Him, He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease (Matthew 10:1, LASB). Let us face it, even during the apostolic age Christians could not do signs and miracles. Those qualities were unique to the apostels (MacArthur 1992:126). But, what I do believe is that God intervenes supernaturally in human beings today. God can heal people inspite of what medicine say. All things are possible with God. But Jesus looked at them and said to them, With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26, LASB). Conclusion Most of the time we are limiting our own power, but it is Gods will to release the power in me and you. Let us not deprive ourselves the opportunity to be in the spirit, but be guided by the Holy Spirit. The Kingdom of God is extending everyday more and more because it is the mind of God. In the Kingdom of God are peace, love and perfect joy.