Monday, September 23, 2019

LP6- Juvenile Justice Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

LP6- Juvenile Justice - Assignment Example However, some adverse effects may vary depending on the quantity consumed, the rate of body metabolism, and individual mood. Some of the most commonly abused drugs include marijuana, cocaine, heroin and alcohol (Bruce and Tracey 2-6). Marijuana is dry shredded leaves ranging from brown to green mixture of flowers stem and leaves of a plant termed as cannabis sativa. This type of drug in its resinous form is called hashish. Marijuana contains a chemical component known as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), this chemical subjects the body it into euphoric state (feeling high). According to center of diseases and control (CDC), marijuana contains over 70% cancer causing substances compared to cigarettes and persistence use often lead to inflammation on the respiratory system. Several studies have also indicated that this drug causes abnormalities of the brain giving a leeway to diseases such as psychosis. In male, marijuana changes the structure of the formation of sperm cell and this may lead to infertility and it interferes with the menstrual cycle in women. The drug also causes abnormal cell division leading to premature births and is one of the leading causes of leukemia amongst newborn children. In conclusion, cannabi s increases the rate of heartbeat, interferes with the physical coordination and causes dizziness (Diane and Samantha 100). Cocaine falls amongst the addictive stimulant drugs generated from a coca plant mostly grown in South America. This drug in its processed form is known as crack. Cocaine drug is inhaled through the nostril or can be directly injected into the blood stream in form of solution. This drug increases the rate of heartbeat, nausea and enhances abnormal breathing patterns (Diane and Samantha 100). Even though cocaine is mainly associated with short term effects, its abusers often suffer from damaged nose cartilage thus leading to paranoia and abnormal breathing

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