Friday, September 27, 2019

Decisions at the End of Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Decisions at the End of Life - Essay Example The mode of Palliative care i.e. the comprehensive care of the patients whose disease is not responding to cure in today's scenario should be done only by proper practice procedures to safeguard the concerns of the physician, nurses and the patient. Studies have conformed that patients want information about their illness and end of life choices (McSkimming, 1994). The case of Nancy Curzon helped enormously to the evolution of 'laws on medical practice'. Nancy Curzon was a young woman involved in a car crash after which she remained in a persistent vegetative state. Inspite of a three year legal battle by her family to have her feeding tube removed to let her die, the U.S Supreme court decided that a state requires a "Clear and Convincing Evidence" of the patient's wishes before withdrawal of life-support. This gave rise to the 'Patient's Self-Determination Act, Dec. 1991'. The intent of this legislation is to encourage people to prepare 'Advance directives' in which they indic ate their wishes concerning the degree of supportive care to be provided if they become incapacitated. 'Advance directives' are legal documents that specify a patient's wishes before hospitalization and provi

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