Friday, October 18, 2019

Power electornic lab2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Power electornic lab2 - Essay Example Transformers generally consist of two windings; primary and secondary as shown in the diagram below. If the primary windings consist of more turns than the secondary windings, the transformer is a step down transformer as the one shown below. Transformers with greater amounts of secondary windings than primary windings are known as step up transformers. Step down transformers are more common in industries where they are connected from the power grid to the households Transformers are also divided into two; high frequency and low frequency transformers. The low frequency transformers work best at 50/60 Hz while the high frequency transformers work best at 100 kHz. Each set of the devices posse’s advantages over the other in some situations. The low frequency transformer has low eddy current lose, lower stray capacitances and comparatively low antenna losses. On the other hand, the high frequency transformer has a lower magnetizing current meaning that it needs less inductance so that fewer turns fiord a larger gauge of copper wire. This minimizes copper losses. Deciding the best transformer relies on the costs and efficiency. Overall, the high frequency transformer is efficient while the low frequency transformer is less costly. Table 1.1 illustrates the difference between ideal and practical transformer. From the outset, it is conclusive that the ideal transformer doesn’t account for the losses in the circuit while the practical transformer does. The experiment included a single design calculation to determine the resistor needed for the power resistor. In the calculation, it was found that the value of the power resistor must exceed 30â„ ¦. This meant that the best resistor for the experiment was the 33â„ ¦ power resistor. The first lab question was about the meaning of load regulation. From research it was determined that voltage regulation is

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