Monday, October 7, 2019

Security and the Technological Revolution Research Paper

Security and the Technological Revolution - Research Paper Example According to Dulles (2014), one of the greatest threats to the security profession is cybercrime. Security officers are forced to implement new technologies in order to detect any malicious attempts of cybercriminals and undertake counteractive measures to avoid exposing citizens to harm. For instance, cybercriminals are currently using sniffer malware to extract password files from their targeted computers hence using them to gain unauthorized access to critical information within organization’s system. Therefore, the security profession has been forced to implement new technology that would enable security officers to curb such kinds of crime. They have implemented audit trailing technology that enables them detect the log in details that were used to access information within the system during the time of crime. The report generated after performing audit trailing enables the security officers to identify the possible security loopholes that might have been used by the cybercriminals to perpetrate the crime. Technology has also enabled them to track cybercriminals to their exact locations hence making arrests in efforts to curb the vice. The security profession used to face a lot of challenges before establishment of the audit trailing technology because it was hard for them to detect any unauthorized access to organization’s information. Moreover, Back-off Malware has been another cyber threat that forced the security profession to implement new technology in efforts to curb it. Back-off is a Malware program that is installed in the Point of Sale (POS) terminals by cybercriminals in order to collect credit card information and transaction data of the users. The malware uses traditional scraping mechanisms to record critical information from customers and using it to initiate transactions without the account owners’ consent. The

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